Source code for DigitalCellSorter.core

'''The main class of DigitalCellSorter. The class includes tools for:

  1. **Pre-preprocessing** of single cell RNA sequencing data

  2. **Quality control**

  3. **Batch effects correction**

  4. **Cells anomaly score evaluation**

  5. **Dimensionality reduction**

  6. **Clustering**

  7. **Annotation of cell types**

  8. **Vizualization**
  9. **Post-processing**


import os
import platform
import copy
import multiprocessing
import warnings

multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn', force=True)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scipy.stats
import scipy.signal
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
import scipy.spatial.distance
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

import sklearn.metrics
import sklearn.cluster
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering, KMeans, SpectralCoclustering
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

from . import GeneNameConverter, geneLists
from .Combat import combat
from .VisualizationFunctions import VisualizationFunctions
from .GenericFunctions import read, write
from .VisualizationFunctions import cm

[docs]def readMTXdata(dataDir, origin, fileMatrix = None, fileBarcodes = None, fileGenes = None, headerRows = None, sampleName = None, stripGeneVersions = True, saveData = True, dropGeneDuplicates = True, dropCellDuplicates = True): '''Read MTX format into pandas DataFrame compatible with DCS input format Parameters dataDir: str Path to gene expression counts data origin: str Name of the software where the data was generated. Supported options are: 'kb-python' for kallisto-bustools 'cellranger' for cellRanger fileMatrix: str, Default None Name of the matrix file fileBarcodes: str, Default None Name of the cell barcodes file fileGenes: str, Default None Name of the genes file headerRows: list, Default None List of rows in matrix file to skip sampleName: str, Default None Name of the data sample to include in the batch level stripGeneVersions: boolean, Default True Remove ensembl gene version. E.g. "ENSG00000236246.1" --> "ENSG00000236246" saveData: boolean, Default True Whether to save data in hdf format. If True then the data is saved to a compressed hdf at the same location as matrix data dropGeneDuplicates: boolean, Default True Whether to remove gene duplicates (keep first) dropGeneDuplicates: boolean, Default True Whether to remove barcode duplicates (keep first) Returns: pandas.DataFrame Table that has genes in rows and cells in columns Usage: df = readMTX(dataDir='filtered_feature_bc_matrix/', origin='cellranger') #df = readMTX(dataDir='counts_filtered/', origin='kb-python') DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.prepare(df) DCS.convert('ensembl', 'hugo') print(DCS.df_expr) ''' if origin == 'kb-python': if headerRows is None: headerRows = [0, 1, 2] genes_level = 0 if fileMatrix is None: fileMatrix='cells_x_genes.mtx' if fileBarcodes is None: fileBarcodes='cells_x_genes.barcodes.txt' if fileGenes is None: fileGenes='cells_x_genes.genes.txt' elif origin == 'cellranger': if headerRows is None: headerRows = [0, 1] genes_level = 1 if fileMatrix is None: fileMatrix='matrix.mtx.gz' if fileBarcodes is None: fileBarcodes='barcodes.tsv.gz' if fileGenes is None: fileGenes='features.tsv.gz' df_expr = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dataDir, fileMatrix), delimiter=' ', index_col=[0,1], header=None, skiprows=headerRows)[2].astype(int).unstack(genes_level, fill_value=0) df_expr.index = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dataDir, fileGenes), delimiter='\t', index_col=None, header=None)[0].loc[df_expr.index - 1].values df_expr.columns = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dataDir, fileBarcodes), delimiter='\t', index_col=0, header=None).index if stripGeneVersions: df_expr.index = df_expr.index.str.split('.', expand=True).get_level_values(0) if dropGeneDuplicates: df_expr = df_expr.loc[~df_expr.index.duplicated(keep='first')] if dropCellDuplicates: df_expr = df_expr.T.loc[~df_expr.T.index.duplicated(keep='first')].T = 'gene' = 'cell' if not sampleName is None: df_expr = pd.concat([df_expr], axis=1, keys=[sampleName], names=['batch'], sort=False) if saveData: df_expr.to_hdf(os.path.join(dataDir, 'data.h5'), key='df', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return df_expr
[docs]class DigitalCellSorter(VisualizationFunctions): '''Class of Digital Cell Sorter with methods for processing single cell RNA-seq data. Includes analyses and visualization tools. Parameters: df_expr: pandas.DataFrame, Defauld None Gene expression in a form of a table, where genes are rows, and cells/batches are columns dataName: str, Default 'dataName' Name used in output files geneNamesType: str, Default 'alias' Input gene name convention geneListFileName: str, Default None Name of the marker genes file mitochondrialGenes: list, Default None List of mitochondrial genes to use in quality control sigmaOverMeanSigma: float, Default 0.1 Threshold to consider a gene constant nClusters: int, Default 10 Number of clusters nFineClusters: int, Default 3 Number of fine clusters to determine with Spectral Co-clustering routine. This option is ignored is doFineClustering is False. doFineClustering: boolean, Default True Whether to do fine clustering or not minSizeForFineClustering: int, Default 50 Minimum number of cells required to do fine clustering of a cluster. This option is ignored is doFineClustering is False. clusteringFunction: function, Default AgglomerativeClustering Clustering function to use. Other options: KMeans, {k_neighbors:40}, etc. Note: the function should have .fit method and same input and output. For Network-based clustering pass a dictionary {'k_neighbors':40, metric:'euclidean', 'clusterExpression':True}, this way the best number of clusters will be determined automatically nComponentsPCA: int, Default 200 Number of pca components nSamples_pDCS: int, Default 3000 Number of random samples in distribution for pDCS annotation method nSamples_Hopfield: int, Default 500 Number of repetitions for Hopfield annotation method saveDir: str, Default os.path.join('') Directory for output files makeMarkerSubplots: boolean, Default False Whether to make subplots on markers makePlots: boolean, Default True Whether to make all major plots availableCPUsCount: int, Default min(12, os.cpu_count()) Number of CPUs used in pDCS method zScoreCutoff: float, Default 0.3 Z-Score cutoff when setting expression of a cluster as significant thresholdForUnknown: float, Default 0.3 Threshold when assigning label "Unknown". This option is used only with a combination of 2 or more annotation methods thresholdForUnknown_pDCS: float, Default 0.1 Threshold when assigning label "Unknown" in pDCS method thresholdForUnknown_ratio: float, Default 0.1 Threshold when assigning label "Unknown" in ratio method thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield: float, Default 0.1 Threshold when assigning label "Unknown" in Hopfield method annotationMethod: str, Default 'ratio-pDCS-Hopfield' Metod to use for annotation of cell types to clusters. Options are: 'pDCS': main DCS voting scheme with null testing 'ratio': simple voting score 'Hopfield': Hopfield Network classifier 'pDCS-ratio': 'pDCS' adjusted with 'ratio' 'pDCS-Hopfield': 'pDCS' adjusted with 'Hopfield' 'ratio-Hopfield': 'ratio' adjusted with 'Hopfield' 'pDCS-ratio-Hopfield': 'pDCS' adjusted with 'ratio' and 'Hopfield' subclusteringName: str, Default None Parameter used in for certain labels on plots doQualityControl: boolean, Default True Whether to remove low quality cells doBatchCorrection: boolean, Default False Whether to correct data for batches minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype: int, Default 10 Minimum number of markers per cell type to keep that cell type in annotation options nameForUnknown: str, Default 'Unassigned' Name to use for clusters where label assignment yielded uncertain results nameForLowQC: str, Default 'Failed QC' Name to use for cell that do not pass quality control layout: str, Default 'TSNE' Projection layout used in visualization. Options are: 'TSNE': t-SNE layout L.J.P. van der Maaten. Accelerating t-SNE using Tree-Based Algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research 15(Oct):3221-3245, 2014. 'PCA': use two largest principal components 'UMAP': use uniform manifold approximation, McInnes, L., Healy, J., UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction, ArXiv e-prints 1802.03426, 2018 'PHATE': use potential of heat diffusion for affinity-based transition embedding, Moon, K.R., van Dijk, D., Wang, Z. et al. Visualizing structure and transitions in high-dimensional biological data. Nat Biotechnol 37, 1482–1492 (2019). Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df_data = DCS.Clean(df_data) ''' def __init__(self, df_expr = None, dataName = 'dataName', species = 'Human', geneNamesType = 'alias', geneListFileName = None, mitochondrialGenes = None, sigmaOverMeanSigma = 0.01, nClusters = 10, nFineClusters = 3, doFineClustering = True, splitFineClusters = False, subSplitSize = 100, medianScaleFactor = 10000, minSizeForFineClustering = 50, clusteringFunction = AgglomerativeClustering, nComponentsPCA = 200, nSamples_pDCS = 3 * 10 ** 3, nSamples_Hopfield = 200, saveDir = os.path.join(''), makeMarkerSubplots = False, availableCPUsCount = min(6, os.cpu_count()), zScoreCutoff = 0.3, subclusteringName = None, doQualityControl = True, doBatchCorrection = False, makePlots = True, useUnderlyingNetwork = True, minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype = 10, nameForUnknown = 'Unassigned', nameForLowQC = 'Failed QC', matplotlibMode = 'Agg', countDepthCutoffQC = 0.5, numberOfGenesCutoffQC = 0.5, mitochondrialGenesCutoffQC = 1.5, excludedFromQC = None, countDepthPrecutQC = 500, numberOfGenesPrecutQC = 250, precutQC = False, minSubclusterSize = 25, thresholdForUnknown_pDCS = 0., thresholdForUnknown_ratio = 0., thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield = 0., thresholdForUnknown = 0.2, layout = 'TSNE', safePlotting = True, HopfieldTemperature = 0.1, annotationMethod = 'ratio-pDCS-Hopfield', useNegativeMarkers = True, removeLowQualityScores = True, updateConversionDictFile = True, verbose = 1): '''Initialization function that is automatically called when an instance on Digital Cell Sorter is created''' self.verbose = verbose self.gnc = GeneNameConverter.GeneNameConverter(dictDir=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)), species=species, updateConversionDictFile=updateConversionDictFile, verbose=verbose) self.species = species self.dataName = dataName self.saveDir = saveDir self.safePlotting = safePlotting if not df_expr is None: self.prepare(df_expr) else: self._df_expr = None self.defaultGeneListFileName = 'CIBERSORT_LM22' self.defaultGeneListsDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'geneLists') self.geneListFileName = geneListFileName self.mitochondrialGenes = mitochondrialGenes self.useNegativeMarkers = useNegativeMarkers self.removeLowQualityScores = removeLowQualityScores self.geneNamesType = geneNamesType self.countDepthCutoffQC = countDepthCutoffQC self.numberOfGenesCutoffQC = numberOfGenesCutoffQC self.mitochondrialGenesCutoffQC = mitochondrialGenesCutoffQC self.countDepthPrecutQC = countDepthPrecutQC self.numberOfGenesPrecutQC = numberOfGenesPrecutQC self.precutQC = precutQC self.excludedFromQC = excludedFromQC self.medianScaleFactor = medianScaleFactor self.minSubclusterSize = minSubclusterSize self.sigmaOverMeanSigma = sigmaOverMeanSigma self.nClusters = nClusters self.doFineClustering = doFineClustering self.splitFineClusters = splitFineClusters self.subSplitSize = subSplitSize self.nFineClusters = nFineClusters self.minSizeForFineClustering = minSizeForFineClustering self.nComponentsPCA = nComponentsPCA self.zScoreCutoff = zScoreCutoff self.minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype = minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype self.useUnderlyingNetwork = useUnderlyingNetwork self.annotationMethod = annotationMethod self.nameForUnknown = nameForUnknown self.nameForLowQC = nameForLowQC self.layout = layout self.thresholdForUnknown_pDCS = thresholdForUnknown_pDCS self.thresholdForUnknown_ratio = thresholdForUnknown_ratio self.thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield = thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield self.thresholdForUnknown = thresholdForUnknown self.HopfieldTemperature = HopfieldTemperature self.nSamples_pDCS = nSamples_pDCS self.nSamples_Hopfield = nSamples_Hopfield self.availableCPUsCount = availableCPUsCount self.clusteringFunction = clusteringFunction self.subclusteringName = subclusteringName self.doQualityControl = doQualityControl self.toggleRemoveLowQualityCells = doQualityControl self.toggleDoBatchCorrection = doBatchCorrection self.toggleMakeHistogramNullDistributionPlot = False self.toggleMakeVotingResultsMatrixPlot = makePlots self.toggleMakeMarkerExpressionPlot = makePlots self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotsQC = makePlots self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotClusters = makePlots self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotAnnotatedClusters = makePlots self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotBatches = makePlots self.toggleMakeStackedBarplot = makePlots self.toggleAnomalyScoresProjectionPlot = False self.toggleGetMarkerSubplots = makeMarkerSubplots super().__init__(saveDir=saveDir, dataName=dataName, safePlotting=safePlotting, matplotlibMode=matplotlibMode, verbose=verbose) return None @property def saveDir(self): return self._saveDir @saveDir.setter def saveDir(self, value): self._saveDir = value if self.saveDir != os.path.join('') and not os.path.exists(self.saveDir): os.makedirs(self.saveDir) self._fileHDFpath = os.path.join(self.saveDir, self.dataName + '_processed.h5') return @property def fileHDFpath(self): return self._fileHDFpath @fileHDFpath.setter def fileHDFpath(self, value): warnings.warn("Direct change of HDF file path is not allowed. " + "Modify 'saveDir' in order to change 'fileHDFpath'", UserWarning) return @property def df_expr(self): if self._df_expr is None: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Expression data is not assigned') return self._df_expr @df_expr.setter def df_expr(self, value): if value is None: self._df_expr = value else: warnings.warn("Direct change of 'df_expr' is not allowed. " + "Use function 'prepare' in order to set 'df_expr' " + "or, alternatively, initialize class instance with 'df_expr'. " + "'df_expr' can be removed by assigning None to it", UserWarning) return @property def geneListFileName(self): return self._geneListFileName @geneListFileName.setter def geneListFileName(self, value): if value is None: self._geneListFileName = os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, self.defaultGeneListFileName + '.xlsx') else: if os.path.isfile(value): self._geneListFileName = value else: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, value + '.xlsx')): self._geneListFileName = os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, value + '.xlsx') else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Gene list file not found. Uning default list: %s'%(self.defaultGeneListFileName), flush=True) self._geneListFileName = os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, self.defaultGeneListFileName + '.xlsx') return # Primary functions of class #######################################################
[docs] def prepare(self, obj): '''Prepare pandas.DataFrame for input to function process() If input is pd.DataFrame validate the input whether it has correct structure. Parameters: obj: str, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series Expression data in a form of pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, or name and path to a csv file with data Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() dDCS.preapre('data.csv') ''' if type(obj) is pd.Series: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Received data in a form of pandas.Series', flush=True) print('Validating it and converting it to pandas.DataFrame', flush=True) if not 'cell' in obj.index.names: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Column "cell" not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'gene' in obj.index.names: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Column "gene" not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'batch' in obj.index.names: print('Column "batch" not found. Assuming one batch in the data.', flush=True) batch = np.array(['batch0'] * len(obj.index.get_level_values('cell'))) else: batch = obj.index.get_level_values('batch') obj.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([batch, obj.index.get_level_values('cell'), obj.index.get_level_values('gene')], names=['batch', 'cell', 'gene']) obj = obj.unstack(level='gene').T self._df_expr = obj if self.verbose >= 2: print('Done', flush=True) return None elif type(obj) is pd.DataFrame: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Received data in a form of pandas.DataFrame', flush=True) print('Validating pandas.DataFrame', flush=True) try: = 'gene' except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('DataFrame index format is not understood. Returning None', flush=True) return None if len(obj.columns.names) > 1: if not 'cell' in obj.columns.names: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Columns level "cell" not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None else: obj.columns.names = ['cell'] if not 'batch' in obj.columns.names: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Columns level "batch" not found. Assuming one batch in the data.', flush=True) batch = np.array(['batch0'] * len(obj.columns.get_level_values('cell'))) else: batch = obj.columns.get_level_values('batch') obj.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([batch, obj.columns.get_level_values('cell')], names=['batch', 'cell']) self._df_expr = obj if self.verbose >= 2: print('Done', flush=True) return None elif type(obj) is str: columns = pd.read_csv(obj, header=0, index_col=None, nrows=5).columns.values.tolist() if ('cell' in columns) and ('gene' in columns) and ('expr' in columns): if self.verbose >= 1: print('Received data in a form of condensed matrix. Reading data', flush=True) df_expr = pd.read_csv(obj, header=0, index_col=None) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Converting it to pandas.DataFrame') if not 'cell' in df_expr.columns: if self.verbose >= 1: print('The column with "cell" identifiers is not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'gene' in df_expr.columns: if self.verbose >= 1: print('The column with "gene" identifiers is not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'expr' in df_expr.columns: if self.verbose >= 1: print('The column with expression values is not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'batch' in df_expr.columns: if self.verbose >= 2: print('The column with "batch" identifiers is not found. Assuming one batch in the data', flush=True) df_expr['batch'] = np.array(['batch0'] * len(df_expr)) self._df_expr = df_expr.set_index(['batch', 'cell', 'gene'])['expr'].unstack(level='gene').T if self.verbose >= 2: print('Done', flush=True) return None else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Received data in a form of matrix. Reading data', flush=True) df_expr = pd.read_csv(obj, header=None, index_col=0) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Converting it to pandas.DataFrame', flush=True) if not 'cell' in df_expr.index: if self.verbose >= 1: print('The row with "cell" identifiers is not found. Returning None', flush=True) return None if not 'batch' in df_expr.index: if self.verbose >= 2: print('The row with "batch" identifiers is not found. Assuming one batch in the data', flush=True) df_expr.loc['batch'] = np.array(['batch0'] * df_expr.shape[1]) df_expr = df_expr.T.set_index(['batch', 'cell']).T = 'gene' self._df_expr = df_expr if self.verbose >= 2: print('Done', flush=True) return None else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Unknown input data format. Returning None', flush=True) return None return None
[docs] def convert(self, nameFrom = None, nameTo = None, **kwargs): '''Convert index to hugo names, if any names in the index are duplicated, remove duplicates Parameters: nameFrom: str, Default 'alias' Gene name type to convert from nameTo: str, Default 'hugo' Gene name type to convert to Any parameters that function 'mergeIndexDuplicates' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.convertIndex() ''' if nameFrom is None: nameFrom = self.geneNamesType if nameTo is None: nameTo = 'hugo' if nameTo != nameFrom: self._df_expr.index = self.gnc.Convert(list(self._df_expr.index), nameFrom, nameTo, returnUnknownString=False) self._df_expr = self.mergeIndexDuplicates(self.df_expr, verbose=self.verbose, **kwargs) return None
[docs] def clean(self): '''Clean pandas.DataFrame: validate index, remove index duplicates, replace missing with zeros, remove all-zero rows and columns Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.clean() ''' # Replace any NaN(s) with zeros. self._df_expr.fillna(0.0, inplace=True) if self.verbose >= 1: print('Replaced missing values with zeros. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) # Check is any names in the index are duplicated, remove duplicates self._df_expr = self.mergeIndexDuplicates(self._df_expr) # Keep only cells with at least one expressed gene. self._df_expr = self._df_expr.T[self._df_expr.sum(axis=0) > 0].T if self.verbose >= 1: print('Removed all-zero cells. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) # Keep only genes expressed in at least one cell. self._df_expr = self._df_expr[self._df_expr.sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.verbose >= 1: print('Removed all-zero genes. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) return None
[docs] def normalize(self, median = None): '''Normalize pandas.DataFrame: rescale all cells, log-transform data, remove constant genes, sort index Parameters: median: float, Default None Scale factor, if not provided will be computed as median across all cells in data Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.normalize() ''' # Scale all cells. median = np.median(np.sum(self._df_expr,axis=0)).astype(float) if median is None else median if self.verbose >= 1: print('Rescaling all cells by "sum of values = %s".' % (median), flush=True) self._df_expr = self._df_expr.apply(lambda q: q * median / np.sum(q),axis=0) if self.verbose >= 1: print('Log-transforming data.', flush=True) # Replace zeros with minimum value. MIN = np.min(self._df_expr.values[self._df_expr.values > 0.]) if MIN <= 0.: raise ValueError self._df_expr = self._df_expr.replace(0., MIN) # Take log2 of expression. self._df_expr = np.log2(self._df_expr) self._df_expr -= np.min(self._df_expr.values) # Keep only genes expressed in at least one cell. self._df_expr = self._df_expr[self._df_expr.sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.verbose >= 1: print('Removed all-zero genes. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) if not self.sigmaOverMeanSigma is None: # Keep only those genes with large enough standard deviation. self._df_expr = self._df_expr[np.std(self._df_expr, axis=1) / np.mean(np.std(self._df_expr.values)) > self.sigmaOverMeanSigma] if self.verbose >= 1: print('Removed constant genes. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) # Sort rows by gene name self._df_expr = self._df_expr.sort_index() return None
[docs] def project(self, PCAonly = False, do_fast_tsne = True): '''Project pandas.DataFrame to lower dimensions Parameters: PCAonly: boolean, Default False Perform Principal component analysis only do_fast_tsne: boolean, Default True Do FI-tSNE instead of "exact" tSNE This option is ignored if layout is not 'TSNE' Returns: tuple Processed data Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() xPCA, PCs, tSNE = DCS.project() ''' if self.verbose >= 1: print('Preparing xpca, PCs, 2D projection of df_expr', flush=True) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Performing PC projection from %s to %s features...' % (self._df_expr.shape[0], self.nComponentsPCA), flush=True) _PCA = PCA(n_components=self.nComponentsPCA) idx = np.argsort(np.var(self._df_expr.values.T, axis=0) / np.mean(self._df_expr.values.T, axis=0))[-2000:] X_pca = _PCA.fit_transform(self._df_expr.values.T[:, idx]).T if self.verbose >= 2: print('Explained variance:', np.round(np.sum(_PCA.explained_variance_ratio_) * 100., 2), "%", flush=True) print('Recording xpca, PCs, 2D projection of df_expr', flush=True) columns=self._df_expr.columns columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([columns.get_level_values('batch'), columns.get_level_values('cell')], names=['batch', 'cell']) pd.DataFrame(data=X_pca, columns=columns).to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_xpca', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') pd.DataFrame(data=_PCA.components_).to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_pcs', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') if not PCAonly: if self.layout == 'TSNE': if X_pca.T.shape[0] < 2000: do_fast_tsne = False if self.verbose >= 1: print('Performing tSNE projection from %s to %s features...' % (self.nComponentsPCA,2), flush=True) if do_fast_tsne: if platform.system() == "Windows": from .FastTSNE import fast_tsne if self.verbose >= 3: print('Windows detected. Using FastTSNE submodule wrapper', flush=True) X_projection2 = fast_tsne(X_pca.T, perplexity = 30, seed=42).T else: try: import fitsne except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('FI-tSNE package could not be imported. Install the package following \ instructions of DigitalCellSorter installation on GitHub. Defaulting to PCA layout') self.layout = 'PCA' if self.layout == 'TSNE': X_projection2 = fitsne.FItSNE(np.array(X_pca.T, order='C')).T else: X_projection2 = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(X_pca.T).T elif self.layout == 'UMAP': if self.verbose >= 1: print('Performing UMAP projection from %s to %s features...' % (self.nComponentsPCA, 2), flush=True) try: import umap except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('UMAP package could not be imported. Install the package following \ instructions of DigitalCellSorter installation on GitHub. Defaulting to PCA layout') self.layout = 'PCA' if self.layout == 'UMAP': X_projection2 = umap.UMAP(random_state=42).fit_transform(X_pca.T).T elif self.layout == 'PHATE': if self.verbose >= 1: print('Performing PHATE projection from %s to %s features...' % (self.nComponentsPCA, 2), flush=True) try: import phate except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('PHATE package could not be imported. Install the package following instructions of DigitalCellSorter installation on GitHub. Defaulting to PCA layout') self.layout = 'PCA' if self.layout == 'PHATE': X_projection2 = phate.PHATE().fit_transform(X_pca.T).T if self.layout == 'PCA': if self.verbose >= 1: print('Using PC1 and PC2 for layout', flush=True) X_projection2 = X_pca[[0,1],:] if self.verbose >= 2: print('Recording 2D projection of df_expr', flush=True) pd.DataFrame(data=X_projection2, columns=columns).to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection_pre_QC', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') pd.DataFrame(data=X_projection2, columns=columns).to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return X_pca, _PCA.components_, X_projection2 return X_pca, _PCA.components_
[docs] def cluster(self): '''Cluster PCA-reduced data into a desired number of clusters Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.cluster() ''' if self.verbose >= 1: print('Calculating clustering of PCA data', flush=True) df_xpca = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_xpca') if type(self.clusteringFunction) is dict: try: import pynndescent import networkx as nx import community except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('Install packages pynndescent, networkx and python-louvain following \ instructions of DigitalCellSorter installation on GitHub. Defaulting to agglomerative clustering method') self.clusteringFunction = AgglomerativeClustering if type(self.clusteringFunction) is dict: import pynndescent import networkx as nx import community try: k_neighbors = self.clusteringFunction[k_neighbors] except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 2: print(exception) k_neighbors = 40 try: metric = self.clusteringFunction[metric] except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 2: print(exception) metric = 'euclidean' try: clusterExpression = self.clusteringFunction[clusterExpression] except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 2: print(exception) clusterExpression = False data = self._df_expr.values.T if clusterExpression else df_xpca.values.T if self.verbose >= 2: print('Searching for %s nearest neighbors' % (k_neighbors), flush=True) knn = pynndescent.NNDescent(data, metric=metric, n_neighbors=k_neighbors).query(data, k=k_neighbors) if self.verbose >= 2: print('k(=%s) nearest neighbors found. Constructing a NetworkX graph' % (k_neighbors), flush=True) A = np.zeros((len(knn[0]),len(knn[0]))) for i in range(len(knn[0])): A[i, knn[0][i]] = knn[1][i] G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Clustering the graph', flush=True) cellClusterIndex = pd.Series(community.best_partition(G)).sort_index().values else: data = df_xpca.values cellClusterIndex = self.clusteringFunction(n_clusters=self.nClusters).fit(data.T).labels_.astype(float).astype(str) if self.verbose >= 2: print(np.unique(cellClusterIndex, return_counts=True)) if self.doFineClustering: fineCellClusterIndex = cellClusterIndex.copy() clusters = np.unique(cellClusterIndex) for cluster in clusters: cellsOfCluster = np.where(cellClusterIndex == cluster)[0] subData = data[:, cellsOfCluster] subData = subData[subData.sum(axis=1) > 0.] if len(cellsOfCluster) >= self.minSizeForFineClustering: try: model = SpectralCoclustering(n_clusters=self.nFineClusters, random_state=0) tempCellClusterIndex = np.zeros((subData.T.shape[0],)) tempCellClusterIndex[:] = np.nan for i, subCluster in enumerate(model.biclusters_[0]): tempCellClusterIndex[np.where(subCluster)[0]] = i except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('Exception', subData.shape, cellsOfCluster.shape) tempCellClusterIndex = np.zeros((subData.T.shape[0],)) else: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Small cluster', len(cellsOfCluster)) tempCellClusterIndex = np.zeros((subData.T.shape[0],)) subSizes = np.unique(tempCellClusterIndex, return_counts=True)[1] if (subSizes < self.minSubclusterSize).any(): if self.verbose >= 2: print('Fine clusters too small (less than %s)' % (self.minSubclusterSize), subSizes) tempCellClusterIndex = np.zeros((subData.T.shape[0],)) fineCellClusterIndex[cellsOfCluster] = np.array([str(cluster)[:-1] + label for label in tempCellClusterIndex.astype(int).astype(str)]) if self.splitFineClusters: for fineCluster in np.unique(fineCellClusterIndex[cellsOfCluster]): cellsOfFineCluster = cellsOfCluster[fineCellClusterIndex[cellsOfCluster] == fineCluster] subSubData = data[:, cellsOfFineCluster] M = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(subSubData.T, metric='euclidean')) subLabels = np.zeros(M.shape[0]).astype(int) subSubSize = self.subSplitSize subClustersSizes = [] tempNum = 0 while tempNum < len(subLabels): if tempNum + 2*subSubSize <= len(subLabels): subClustersSizes.append(subSubSize) tempNum += subSubSize else: subClustersSizes.append(len(subLabels) - tempNum) tempNum += len(subLabels) - tempNum for ic, subClusterSize in enumerate(subClustersSizes): chosenCell = np.nanmean(M, axis=0).argmax() wh = M[chosenCell].argsort()[:subClusterSize-1] M[chosenCell, wh] = np.nan subLabels[wh] = [ic]*len(wh) prevLabels = fineCellClusterIndex[cellsOfFineCluster] addLabels = ['.' + label for label in subLabels.astype(str)] fineCellClusterIndex[cellsOfFineCluster] = np.array([prevLabel + addLabel for prevLabel, addLabel in zip(prevLabels, addLabels)]) cellClusterIndex = fineCellClusterIndex if 'cluster' in self._df_expr.columns.names: self._df_expr = self._df_expr.droplevel('cluster', axis=1) df_clusters = pd.DataFrame(data=cellClusterIndex, index=self._df_expr.columns) df_clusters.columns = ['cluster'] df_clusters.to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_clusters', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') self._df_expr = pd.concat([df_clusters, self._df_expr.T], sort=False, axis=1).reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell', 'cluster']).T return
[docs] def annotate(self, mapNonexpressedCelltypes = True): '''Produce cluster voting results, annotate cell types, and update marker expression with cell type labels Parameters: mapNonexpressedCelltypes: boolean, Default True If True then cell types coloring will be consistent across all datasets, regardless what cell types are annotated in all datasets for a given input marker list file. Returns: dictionary Voting results, a dictionary in form of: {cluster label: assigned cell type} Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() results = DCS.annotate(df_markers_expr, df_marker_cell_type) ''' self.loadExpressionData() if self._df_expr is None: return self.prepareMarkers(expressedGenes=self._df_expr.index if mapNonexpressedCelltypes else None) df_marker_cell_type = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_marker_cell_type') df_markers_expr = self._df_expr.loc[self._df_expr.index.intersection(df_marker_cell_type.index)] if self.verbose >= 1: print('Selected genes common with the marker list. Data shape:', df_markers_expr.shape, flush=True) methodsToUse = self.annotationMethod.split('-') if 'pDCS' in methodsToUse: if self.verbose >= 1: print('\nCalculating results by %s method' % ('pDCS'), flush = True) annotationResults_pDCS = list(self.annotateWith_pDCS_Scheme(df_markers_expr.copy(), df_marker_cell_type.T.copy())) if 'ratio' in methodsToUse: if self.verbose >= 1: print('\nCalculating results by %s method' % ('ratio'), flush = True) annotationResults_ratio = list(self.annotateWith_ratio_Scheme(df_markers_expr.copy(), df_marker_cell_type.T.copy())) if 'Hopfield' in methodsToUse: if self.verbose >= 1: print('\nCalculating results by %s method' % ('Hopfield'), flush = True) annotationResults_Hopfield = list(self.annotateWith_Hopfield_Scheme(df_markers_expr.copy(), df_marker_cell_type.T.copy())) if ('pDCS' in methodsToUse) and ('ratio' in methodsToUse) and ('Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_pDCS annotationResults[2] *= annotationResults_ratio[2] annotationResults[2] *= annotationResults_Hopfield[2] annotationResults[2] = np.power(annotationResults[2], 1./3.) annotationResults[2][annotationResults[2] < self.thresholdForUnknown] = 0. elif ('pDCS' in methodsToUse) and ('ratio' in methodsToUse) and (not 'Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_pDCS annotationResults[2] *= annotationResults_ratio[2] annotationResults[2] = np.power(annotationResults[2], 1./2.) annotationResults[2][annotationResults[2] < self.thresholdForUnknown] = 0. elif ('pDCS' in methodsToUse) and (not 'ratio' in methodsToUse) and ('Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_pDCS annotationResults[2] *= annotationResults_Hopfield[2] annotationResults[2] = np.power(annotationResults[2], 1./2.) annotationResults[2][annotationResults[2] < self.thresholdForUnknown] = 0. elif (not 'pDCS' in methodsToUse) and ('ratio' in methodsToUse) and ('Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_ratio annotationResults[2] *= annotationResults_Hopfield[2] annotationResults[2] = np.power(annotationResults[2], 1./2.) annotationResults[2][annotationResults[2] < self.thresholdForUnknown] = 0. elif ('pDCS' in methodsToUse) and (not 'ratio' in methodsToUse) and (not 'Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_pDCS elif (not 'pDCS' in methodsToUse) and ('ratio' in methodsToUse) and (not 'Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_ratio elif (not 'pDCS' in methodsToUse) and (not 'ratio' in methodsToUse) and ('Hopfield' in methodsToUse): annotationResults = annotationResults_Hopfield else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Annotation method %s not supported' % (self.annotationMethod), flush=True) return annotationResults = self.recordAnnotationResults(*tuple(annotationResults)) if self.verbose >= 1: print(annotationResults, flush=True) print('Updating the expression data with annotation results', flush=True) df_markers_expr = df_markers_expr.T.reset_index().T df_markers_expr.loc['label'] = np.array([annotationResults[i] for i in df_markers_expr.loc['cluster']]) df_markers_expr = df_markers_expr.T.set_index(['batch', 'cell', 'cluster', 'label']).T.apply(pd.to_numeric) df_markers_expr.to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return annotationResults
[docs] def process(self, dataIsNormalized = False, cleanData = True): '''Process data before using any annotation of visualization functions Parameters: dataIsNormalized: boolean, Default False Whether DCS.df_expr is normalized or not Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() ''' # Convert index to hugo names, clean data if not dataIsNormalized: self.convert() if cleanData: self.clean() # Calculate QC measures if self.doQualityControl: self.calculateQCmeasures() # Normalize and then correct for batch effects if not dataIsNormalized: self.normalize(median=self.medianScaleFactor) if self.toggleDoBatchCorrection: self.batchEffectCorrection() # Calculate PCA and 2D projection self.project() # Remove low quality cells if self.doQualityControl: self.qualityControl() # Cluster data, append cluster index to expression DataFrame self.cluster() # Compress and record DataFrame to dense matrix self.recordExpressionData() return
[docs] def visualize(self): '''Aggregate of visualization tools of this class. Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.visualize() ''' ############################################################################################## # Plot voting results matrix ############################################################################################## if self.toggleMakeVotingResultsMatrixPlot: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Making voting results matrix plot', flush=True) self.makeAnnotationResultsMatrixPlot() ############################################################################################## # Plot null distributions ############################################################################################## if self.toggleMakeHistogramNullDistributionPlot: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Making null distributions plot', flush=True) self.makeHistogramNullDistributionPlot() ############################################################################################## # Plot mean marker expression ############################################################################################## if self.toggleMakeMarkerExpressionPlot: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Making marker expression plot', flush=True) self.makeMarkerExpressionPlot() ############################################################################################## # Make 2D projection plots ############################################################################################## if self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotsQC and self.doQualityControl: self.makeProjectionPlotsQualityControl() if self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotClusters: self.makeProjectionPlotByClusters() if self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotBatches: self.makeProjectionPlotByBatches() if self.toggleMakeProjectionPlotAnnotatedClusters: self.makeProjectionPlotAnnotated() if self.toggleAnomalyScoresProjectionPlot: self.makeAnomalyScoresPlot() ############################################################################################## # Make stacked barplot of cell type fractions ############################################################################################## if self.toggleMakeStackedBarplot: self.makeStackedBarplot(self.subclusteringName) ############################################################################################## # Make projection plots showing relative expression of different markers (one for each # marker) ############################################################################################## if self.toggleGetMarkerSubplots: self.makeMarkerSubplots() return None
# Plotting user functions of class #################################################
[docs] def makeProjectionPlotAnnotated(self, **kwargs): '''Produce projection plot colored by cell types Parameters: Any parameters that function 'makeProjectionPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.makeProjectionPlotAnnotated() ''' if self.verbose >= 3: print('Making projection plot by clusters with annotated labels') df_markers_expr = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr') df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') df_projection = df_projection[df_markers_expr.groupby(level=['batch', 'cell'], sort=False, axis=1).count().columns] with open(os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'ColormapForCellTypes.txt'), 'r') as temp_file: colormap = {item.strip().split('\t')[0]:eval(item.strip().split('\t')[1]) for item in temp_file.readlines()} kwargs.setdefault('suffix', 'by_clusters_annotated') kwargs.setdefault('colormap', colormap) kwargs.setdefault('legend', False) fig = self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('label'), **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def makeProjectionPlotByBatches(self, **kwargs): '''Produce projection plot colored by batches Parameters: Any parameters that function 'makeProjectionPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.makeProjectionPlotByBatches() ''' if self.verbose >= 3: print('Making projection plot by batches') df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') batches = df_projection.columns.get_level_values('batch').values #wh1 = np.where(batches == np.unique(batches)[0]) #wh2 = np.where(batches == np.unique(batches)[1]) #wh3 = np.where(batches == np.unique(batches)[2]) #batches[wh1] = 'BM1' #batches[wh2] = 'BM2' #batches[wh3] = 'BM3' kwargs.setdefault('legend', True) kwargs.setdefault('labels', False) kwargs.setdefault('suffix', 'by_patients') fig = self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, batches, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def makeProjectionPlotByClusters(self, **kwargs): '''Produce projection plot colored by clusters Parameters: Any parameters that function 'makeProjectionPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.makeProjectionPlotByClusters() ''' if self.verbose >= 3: print('Making projection plot by clusters') df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') df_clusters = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_clusters').reindex(df_projection.columns) kwargs.setdefault('suffix', 'by_clusters') labels = np.array(['Cluster #%s' % (label[0]) if label==label else label for label in df_clusters.values]) fig = self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, labels, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def makeProjectionPlotsQualityControl(self, **kwargs): '''Produce Quality Control projection plots Parameters: Any parameters that function 'makeProjectionPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.makeProjectionPlotsQualityControl() ''' def reduce(v, size = 100): bins = np.linspace(np.min(v), np.max(v), num=size) return bins[np.digitize(v, bins) - 1] if self.verbose >= 3: print('Making projection plots of QC', flush=True) df_QC = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='QC') if self.toggleRemoveLowQualityCells: df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection_pre_QC') else: df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') goodQUalityCells = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection').columns kwargs.setdefault('legend', False) kwargs.setdefault('labels', False) kwargs.setdefault('colorbar', True) kwargs.update(suffix='by_number_of_genes') self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, reduce(df_QC['number_of_genes'].values), **kwargs) kwargs.update(suffix='by_count_depth') self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, reduce(df_QC['count_depth'].values), **kwargs) kwargs.update(suffix='by_fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes') self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, reduce(df_QC['fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes'].values), **kwargs) kwargs.update(suffix='by_is_quality_cell') kwargs.update(colorbar=False) self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, df_projection.columns.isin(goodQUalityCells.get_level_values('cell'), level='cell'), **kwargs) return
[docs] def makeMarkerSubplots(self, **kwargs): '''Produce subplots on each marker and its expression on all clusters Parameters: Any parameters that function 'internalMakeMarkerSubplots' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.makeMarkerSubplots() ''' df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') df_markers_expr = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr') df_projection = df_projection[pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch'), df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell')])] hugo_cd_dict = dict(zip(df_markers_expr.index.values.tolist(), self.gnc.Convert(list(df_markers_expr.index), 'hugo', 'alias', returnUnknownString=False))) kwargs.setdefault('analyzeBy', 'label') kwargs.setdefault('NoFrameOnFigures', True) kwargs.setdefault('HideClusterLabels', False) kwargs.setdefault('outlineClusters', True) self.internalMakeMarkerSubplots(df_markers_expr, df_projection.values, hugo_cd_dict, **kwargs) return None
[docs] def makeAnomalyScoresPlot(self, cells = 'All', suffix = '', noPlot = False, **kwargs): '''Make anomaly scores plot Parameters: cells: pandas.MultiIndex, Default 'All' Index of cells of interest Any parameters that function 'makeProjectionPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() cells = DCS.getCells(celltype='T cell') DCS.makeAnomalyScoresPlot(cells) ''' if self._df_expr is None: self.loadExpressionData() if type(cells) is str: if cells == 'All': cells = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch'), self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell') ], names=['batch', 'cell']) else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('"cells" value "%s" is unknown' % (cells)) raise ValueError df_sel = self.getExprOfCells(cells) df_sel.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_sel.columns.get_level_values('batch'), df_sel.columns.get_level_values('cell') ], names=['batch', 'cell']) scores = self.getAnomalyScores(df_sel, df_sel) scores = pd.DataFrame(index=df_sel.columns, data=scores) scores.columns = ['score'] scores.sort_values(by='score', ascending=False).to_excel(os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'anomalyScores%s.xlsx' % (suffix)), merge_cells=False) if noPlot: return df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') scores = scores.reindex(df_projection.columns).values.T[0] kwargs.setdefault('suffix', 'by_anomaly_score') kwargs.setdefault('legend', False) kwargs.setdefault('labels', False) kwargs.setdefault('colorbar', True) fig = self.makeProjectionPlot(df_projection.values, scores, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def makeIndividualGeneTtestPlot(self, gene, analyzeBy = 'label', **kwargs): '''Produce individual gene t-test plot of the two-tailed p-value. Parameters: gene: str Name of gene of interest analyzeBy: str, Default 'label' What level of lablels to include. Other possible options are 'label' and 'celltype' Any parameters that function 'makeTtestPlot' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.makeIndividualGeneTtestPlot('SDC1') ''' df_markers_expr = self.getExprOfGene(gene, analyzeBy=analyzeBy) if df_markers_expr is None: return None groups = np.unique(df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values(analyzeBy).values) ttestStatistic = pd.DataFrame(index=groups, columns=groups) ttestpValue = pd.DataFrame(index=groups, columns=groups) for groupA in groups: for groupB in groups: A = df_markers_expr.xs(key=groupA, level=analyzeBy, axis=1).values.squeeze() B = df_markers_expr.xs(key=groupB, level=analyzeBy, axis=1).values.squeeze() ttestStatistic.loc[groupA, groupB], ttestpValue.loc[groupA, groupB] = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(A[np.where(A != 0)], B[np.where(B != 0)]) alt = self.gnc.Convert([gene], 'hugo', 'alias', returnUnknownString=False)[0] alt = [alt] if type(alt) is str else alt kwargs.setdefault('label', '%s\n(%s)' % (gene, ('\n').join(list(alt)))) fig = self.makeTtestPlot(ttestStatistic, ttestpValue, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] def makeIndividualGeneExpressionPlot(self, genes, **kwargs): '''Produce individual gene expression plot on a 2D layout Parameters: gene: str, or list-like Name of gene of interest. E.g. 'CD4, CD33', 'PECAM1', ['CD4', 'CD33'] hideClusterLabels: boolean, Default False Whether to hide the clusters labels outlineClusters: boolean, Default True Whether to outline the clusters with circles Any parameters that function 'internalMakeMarkerSubplots' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.makeIndividualGeneExpressionPlot('CD4') ''' kwargs.setdefault('analyzeBy', 'cluster') kwargs.setdefault('NoFrameOnFigures', True) kwargs.setdefault('HideClusterLabels', False) kwargs.setdefault('outlineClusters', True) df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection') if type(genes) is str: genes = genes.replace(' ', '').split(',') for gene in genes: df_markers_expr = self.getExprOfGene(gene, analyzeBy=kwargs['analyzeBy']) if not df_markers_expr is None: hugo_cd_dict = {gene: self.gnc.Convert([gene], 'hugo', 'alias', returnUnknownString=False)[0]} cells = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch'), df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell')], names=['batch', 'cell']) self.internalMakeMarkerSubplots(df_markers_expr, df_projection.reindex(cells, axis=1).values, hugo_cd_dict, **kwargs) return None
[docs] def makeHopfieldLandscapePlot(self, meshSamplingRate = 1000, plot3D = True, reuseData = False, **kwargs): '''Make and plot Hopfield landscape Parameters: meshSamplingRate: int, Default 1000 Defines quality of sampling around attractor states plot3D: boolean, Default False Whether to plot 2D or 3D figure reuseData: boolean, Default False Whether to attempt using precalculated data. Any parameters that function 'HopfieldLandscapePlot' or 'HopfieldLandscapePlot3D' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.makeHopfieldLandscapePlot() ''' dataPath = os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'Hopfiled_mode_1') if reuseData and (not os.path.exists(dataPath)): reuseData = False if not reuseData: df_attrs = self.readMarkerFile() self.propagateHopfield(xi=df_attrs.values, typesNames=df_attrs.columns.values, path=dataPath, meshSamplingRate=meshSamplingRate, mode=1) if plot3D: fig = self.HopfieldLandscapePlot3D(trPath=dataPath, **kwargs) else: fig = self.HopfieldLandscapePlot(trPath=dataPath, colorbarva=0.15, fontsize=12, **kwargs) return fig
# Extraction user functions of class ###############################################
[docs] def getAnomalyScores(self, trainingSet, testingSet, printResults = False): '''Function to get anomaly score of cells based on some reference set Parameters: trainingSet: pandas.DataFrame With cells to trail isolation forest on testingSet: pandas.DataFrame With cells to score printResults: boolean, Default False Whether to print results Returns: 1d numpy.array Anomaly score(s) of tested cell(s) Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() cutoff = DCS.getAnomalyScores(df_expr.iloc[:, 5:], df_expr.iloc[:, :5]) ''' if self.verbose >= 1: print('Calculating anomaly scores of the selected cells', flush=True) instanceIsolationForest = IsolationForest(n_jobs=self.availableCPUsCount, max_samples=np.min([trainingSet.shape[1] - 1, 256])) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Training isolation forest') if type(testingSet) is pd.Series: testingSet = testingSet.to_frame() if self.verbose >= 2: print('Scoring samples') scores = instanceIsolationForest.score_samples(testingSet.values.T) scores *= -1. results = list(zip(testingSet.columns, scores)) if printResults: for cell in results: print('Cell:', cell[0], 'Score:', cell[1]) return scores
[docs] def getHugoName(self, gene, printAliases = False): '''Get gene hugo name(s). Parameters: gene: str 'hugo' or 'alias' name of a gene Returns: str Hugo name if found, otherwise input name Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.getHugoName('CD138') ''' return self.gnc.Convert(gene, 'alias', 'hugo', returnUnknownString=False)
[docs] def getExprOfGene(self, gene, analyzeBy = 'cluster'): '''Get expression of a gene. Run this function only after function process() Parameters: cells: pandas.MultiIndex Index of cells of interest analyzeBy: str, Default 'cluster' What level of lablels to include. Other possible options are 'label' and 'celltype' Returns: pandas.DataFrame With expression of the cells of interest Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.getExprOfGene('SDC1') ''' fileName = self.fileHDFpath if not os.path.isfile(fileName): if self.verbose >= 1: print('Processed data file not found') return try: df_markers_expr = pd.read_hdf(fileName, key='df_expr').xs(key=gene, axis=0, level=-1).T except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 2: print(exception) print('Gene %s not in index' % (gene)) return df_markers_expr.index = [gene] df_markers_expr.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch'), df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell')]) labelled = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr').columns columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([labelled.get_level_values('batch'), labelled.get_level_values('cell')]) df_markers_expr = df_markers_expr.reindex(columns, axis=1).fillna(0.) if analyzeBy == 'celltype': analyzeBy = 'label' columns = labelled.to_series().reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell'])[analyzeBy].loc[df_markers_expr.columns].reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell', analyzeBy]).index df_markers_expr.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([columns.get_level_values('batch'), columns.get_level_values('cell'), columns.get_level_values(analyzeBy).str.split(' #', expand=True).get_level_values(0)], names=['batch', 'cell','celltype']) else: df_markers_expr.columns = labelled.to_series().reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell'])[analyzeBy].loc[df_markers_expr.columns].reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell', analyzeBy]).index return df_markers_expr
[docs] def getExprOfCells(self, cells): '''Get expression of a set of cells. Run this function only after function process() Parameters: cells: pandas.MultiIndex 2-level Index of cells of interest, must include levels 'batch' and 'cell' Returns: pandas.DataFrame With expression of the cells of interest Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() DCS.getExprOfCells(cells) ''' if self._df_expr is None: self.loadExpressionData() index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch'), self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell') ], names=['batch', 'cell']) if cells.reindex(index)[1] is None: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Selected expression of all cells') return self.df_expr return self._df_expr[self._df_expr.columns[cells.reindex(index)[1] > -1]]
[docs] def getCells(self, celltype = None, clusterIndex = None, clusterName = None): '''Get cell annotations in a form of pandas.Series Parameters: celltype: str, Default None Cell type to extract clusterIndex: int, Default None Cell type to extract clusterName: str, Default None Cell type to extract Returns: pandas.MultiIndex Index of labelled cells Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.process() labels = DCS.getCells() ''' df = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr').columns.to_frame() if not clusterIndex is None: se = df.set_index(['batch', 'cell'])['cluster'] condition = se == clusterIndex if not condition.any(): if self.verbose >= 1: print('No cells found') return None selectedCells = se[condition].index if self.verbose >= 2: print('Selected %s cells from cluster: %s' % (len(selectedCells), clusterIndex)) return selectedCells if not clusterName is None: se = df.set_index(['batch', 'cell'])['cluster'] condition = se == eval(clusterName.split('#')[1]) if not condition.any(): if self.verbose >= 1: print('No cells found') return None selectedCells = se[condition].index if self.verbose >= 2: print('Selected %s cells from cluster: %s' % (len(selectedCells), clusterName)) return selectedCells se = df.set_index(['batch', 'cell'])['label'] if celltype is None and clusterIndex is None: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Available cell types:', np.unique(se.str.split(' #', expand=True)[0].values)) print('Note: To get a specific cell type call this function with a specified cell type') return se condition = se.str.find(celltype) != -1 if not condition.any(): if self.verbose >= 1: print('No cells found') return None selectedCells = se[condition].index if self.verbose >= 2: print('Selected %s cells of type: %s' % (len(selectedCells), celltype)) return selectedCells
[docs] def getIndexOfGoodQualityCells(self, QCplotsSubDir = 'QC_plots', **kwargs): '''Get index of sells that satisfy the QC criteria Parameters: count_depth_cutoff: float, Default 0.5 Fraction of median to take as count depth cutoff number_of_genes_cutoff: float, Default 0.5 Fraction of median to take as number of genes cutoff mitochondrial_genes_cutoff: float, Default 3.0 The cutoff is median + standard_deviation * this_parameter Any parameters that function 'makeQualityControlHistogramPlot' can accept Returns: pandas.Index Index of cells Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() index = DCS.getIndexOfGoodQualityCells() ''' df_QC = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='QC') if not self.excludedFromQC is None: df_QC = df_QC.loc[df_QC.index.difference(self.excludedFromQC)] plotsDir = os.path.join(self.saveDir, QCplotsSubDir, '') kwargs.setdefault('MakeHistogramPlot', True) # Calculate cutoffs cutoff_count_depth = self.getQualityControlCutoff(df_QC['count_depth'], self.countDepthCutoffQC, plotPathAndName=os.path.join(plotsDir, '%s_count_depth' % (self.dataName)), precut=self.countDepthPrecutQC, **kwargs) cutoff_number_of_genes = self.getQualityControlCutoff(df_QC['number_of_genes'], self.numberOfGenesCutoffQC, plotPathAndName=os.path.join(plotsDir, '%s_number_of_genes' % (self.dataName)), precut=self.numberOfGenesPrecutQC, **kwargs) cutoff_fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes = self.getQualityControlCutoff(df_QC['fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes'], self.mitochondrialGenesCutoffQC, plotPathAndName=os.path.join(plotsDir, '%s_fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes' % (self.dataName)), mito=True, **kwargs) df_QC['isGoodQuality'] = np.zeros(len(df_QC)).astype(bool) mask = (df_QC['count_depth'] > cutoff_count_depth) & \ (df_QC['number_of_genes'] > cutoff_number_of_genes) & \ (df_QC['fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes'] < cutoff_fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes) index = df_QC['isGoodQuality'].index[mask] if not self.excludedFromQC is None: index = pd.concat([pd.Series(index=index), pd.Series(index=self.excludedFromQC)]).index return index.sort_values()
[docs] def getQualityControlCutoff(self, se, cutoff, precut = 1., mito = False, MakeHistogramPlot = True, **kwargs): '''Function to calculate QC quality cutoff Parameters: se: pandas.Series With data to analyze cutoff: float Parameter for calculating the quality control cutoff mito: boolean, Default False Whether the analysis of mitochondrial genes fraction plotPathAndName: str, Default None Text to include in the figure title and file name MakeHistogramPlot: boolean, Default True Whether to make a histogram plot Any parameters that function 'makeQualityControlHistogramPlot' can accept Returns: float Cutoff value Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() cutoff = DCS.getQualityControlCutoff(se) ''' subset = se[~np.isnan(se.values)].values if mito: median = np.round(np.median(subset),4) std = np.round(np.std(subset),4) hist_of_subset = scipy.stats.rv_histogram(np.histogram(subset, bins=100, range=(0, 0.3))) hist_data = hist_of_subset._hpdf / 100 hist_bins = hist_of_subset._hbins xs = np.linspace(hist_bins[0], hist_bins[-1], 1000) spline_data = np.vstack((xs, UnivariateSpline(hist_bins, hist_data[:-1], k=5, s=0)(xs))).T smoothed = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(spline_data.T[1], 101, 3) x1 = spline_data.T[0][np.where(spline_data.T[0] > median)[0][0]] y1 = smoothed[np.where(spline_data.T[0] > median)[0][0]] wh = np.where(spline_data.T[0] > (median + cutoff * std))[0][0] x2 = spline_data.T[0][wh] y2 = smoothed[wh] cutoff = min(median + 3. * std, x1 - y1 * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)) cutoff = max(median + 1. * std, cutoff) else: if self.precutQC: cutoff = int(cutoff * np.median(subset[subset > precut])) cutoff = min(cutoff, 2 * precut) else: cutoff = int(cutoff * np.median(subset)) kwargs.setdefault('mito', mito) if MakeHistogramPlot: self.makeQualityControlHistogramPlot(subset, cutoff, **kwargs) return cutoff
[docs] def getCountsDataframe(self, se1, se2, tagForMissing = 'N/A'): '''Get a pandas.DataFrame with cross-counts (overlaps) between two pandas.Series Parameters: se1: pandas.Series Series with the first set of items se2: pandas.Series Series with the second set of items tagForMissing: str, Default 'N/A' Label to assign to non-overlapping items Returns: pandas.DataFrame Contains counts Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df = DCS.getCountsDataframe(se1, se2) ''' df = self.alignSeries(se1, se2, tagForMissing) counts = {group[0]:{k:len(v) for k, v in group[1].groupby(by='se1').groups.items()} for group in df.reset_index(drop=True).set_index('se2').groupby('se2')} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counts).fillna(0.0).astype(int) moveTag = lambda df: pd.concat([df.iloc[np.where(df.index != tagForMissing)[0]], df.iloc[np.where(df.index == tagForMissing)[0]]], axis=0, sort=False) if tagForMissing in df.index else df return moveTag(moveTag(df.T).T)
[docs] def getNewMarkerGenes(self, cluster = None, top = 100, zScoreCutoff = None, removeUnknown = False, **kwargs): '''Extract new marker genes based on the cluster annotations Parameters: cluster: int, Default None Cluster #, if provided genes of only this culster will be returned top: int, Default 100 Upper bound for number of new markers per cell type zScoreCutoff: float, Default 0.3 Lower bound for a marker z-score to be significant removeUnknown: boolean, Default False Whether to remove type "Unknown" Any parameters that function 'makePlotOfNewMarkers' can accept Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.extractNewMarkerGenes() ''' if zScoreCutoff is None: zScoreCutoff = self.zScoreCutoff if self._df_expr is None: self.loadExpressionData() if self._df_expr is None: return df_gene_cluster_centroids = self._df_expr.groupby(level=['cluster'], sort=True, axis=1).mean() df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged = pd.DataFrame() df_votingResults = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.saveDir, self.dataName + '_annotation.xlsx'), sheet_name='z-scores', index_col='cluster')[['# cells in cluster', 'Predicted cell type']] groups = pd.concat([df_votingResults['# cells in cluster'], df_votingResults['Predicted cell type'].str.split(' #', expand=True)[0]], sort=False, axis=1).reset_index().set_index(0).groupby(by=0) for group in groups: se_cluster_size = group[1].reset_index().set_index('cluster')['# cells in cluster'] se_type = (df_gene_cluster_centroids[se_cluster_size.index] * se_cluster_size.values).sum(axis=1) / se_cluster_size.values.sum() = group[0] df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged = pd.concat([df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged, se_type], sort=False, axis=1) df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged = df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged.apply(self.zScoreOfSeries, axis=1) if not cluster is None: clusterGenes = df_gene_cluster_centroids[cluster].sort_values(ascending=False) clusterGenes = clusterGenes[clusterGenes >= zScoreCutoff].iloc[:top] return {'genes':clusterGenes.index.values.tolist(), 'zscore':clusterGenes.values.tolist()} if removeUnknown and self.nameForUnknown in df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged.columns: df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged.drop(columns=[self.nameForUnknown], inplace=True) df_new_marker_genes = df_gene_cluster_centroids_merged.T df_new_marker_genes[df_new_marker_genes < 0.] = 0. if self.verbose >= 2: print('New marker cell type shape:', df_new_marker_genes.shape) df_new_marker_genes = df_new_marker_genes.T.loc[df_new_marker_genes.max(axis=0) >= zScoreCutoff].T if self.verbose >= 2: print('New marker cell type shape:', df_new_marker_genes.shape) df_new_marker_genes = df_new_marker_genes.loc[df_new_marker_genes.max(axis=1) >= zScoreCutoff] if self.verbose >= 2: print('New marker cell type shape:', df_new_marker_genes.shape) df_new_marker_list = pd.DataFrame() for i, celltype in enumerate(df_new_marker_genes.index.values): all = df_new_marker_genes.loc[celltype] sel = all[all > 1.0].sort_values()[:top] if self.verbose >= 3: print('Candidates of %s:' % (celltype), len(sel)) df_new_marker_list = pd.concat([df_new_marker_list, sel], sort=False, axis=1) df_new_marker_list = df_new_marker_list.fillna(0.).sort_index() df_new_marker_list[df_new_marker_list > 0.] = 1.0 if self.nameForUnknown in df_new_marker_list.columns: df_new_marker_list.drop(columns=[self.nameForUnknown], inplace=True) = 'Marker' fileName = os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'new_markers.xlsx') if self.verbose >= 3: print('Recording results to:', fileName) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName) df_new_marker_list.to_excel(writer, 'MarkerCellType') df_temp = pd.Series(data=df_new_marker_list.columns, index=df_new_marker_list.columns) = 'CellTypeGrouped' = 'CellType' df_temp.to_excel(writer, 'CellTypesGrouped') df_marker_cell_type = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.saveDir, self.dataName + '_annotation.xlsx'), sheet_name='Marker cell type weight matrix', index_col=0).T df_new_marker_genes = df_new_marker_genes[df_new_marker_list.index] self.makePlotOfNewMarkers(df_marker_cell_type, df_new_marker_genes, **kwargs) return None
# Annotation functions of class ####################################################
[docs] @classmethod def calculateV(cls, args): '''Calculate the voting scores (celltypes by clusters) Parameters: args: tuple Tuple of sub-arguments df_M: pandas.DataFrame Marker cell type DataFrame df_X: pandas.DataFrame Markers expression DataFrame cluster_index: 1d numpy.array Clustering index cutoff: float Significance cutoff, i.e. a threshold for a given marker to be significant giveSignificant: boolean Whether to return the significance matrix along with the scores removeLowQCscores: boolean Whether to remove low quality scores, i.e. those with less than 10% of markers that a re supporting Returns: pandas.DataFrame Contains voting scores per celltype per cluster Usage: Function is used internally. df = calculateV((df_M, df_X, cluster_index, 0.3, False, True)) ''' df_M, df_X, cluster_index, cutoff, giveSignificant, removeLowQCscores = args df_Y = pd.DataFrame(data=df_X.values, index=df_X.index, columns=cluster_index).groupby(level=0, sort=True, axis=1).mean() if True: df_Z = (df_Y.copy() - np.mean(df_Y.values, axis=1)[:, None]) / np.std(df_Y.values, axis=1)[:, None] df_Z = 1. * (df_Z > cutoff) else: df_Z = df_Y > ((1. + cutoff) * np.mean(df_Y.values, axis=1)[:, None]) df_V = pd.Series( # Remove scores with small number of supporting markers if removeLowQCscores: df_Q = (1. * (df_M > 0.)).dot(1. * (df_Z > 0.)) < (0.1 * (df_M > 0.).sum(axis=1)[:, None]).astype(int) #df_Q = (1. * (df_M > 0.)).dot(1. * (df_Z > 0.)) < (0.1 * (1. * (df_Z > 0.)).sum(axis=0)[None, :]).astype(int) df_V[pd.Series(df_Q.stack().fillna(0.))] = 0. if giveSignificant: return df_V, df_Z return df_V
[docs] def annotateWith_pDCS_Scheme(self, df_markers_expr, df_marker_cell_type): '''Produce cluster annotation results Parameters: df_markers_expr: pandas.DataFrame Data with marker genes by cells expression df_marker_cell_type: pandas.DataFrame Data with marker genes by cell types Returns: tuple Usage: Function should be called internally only ''' df_positive = df_marker_cell_type.copy() df_negative = df_marker_cell_type.copy() df_positive[df_marker_cell_type < .0] = 0. df_negative[df_marker_cell_type > .0] = 0. df_positive /= (df_positive > 0.).sum(axis=0).fillna(1.).replace(0., 1.).replace(0, 1.) df_negative /= (df_negative < 0.).sum(axis=0).fillna(1.).replace(0., 1.).replace(0, 1.) df_marker_cell_type = df_positive + df_negative if self.verbose >= 2: print(df_marker_cell_type.shape) # Align df_markers_expr and df_marker_cell_type df_markers_expr.sort_index(inplace=True, axis=0) df_marker_cell_type.sort_index(inplace=True, axis=1) # Calculate score (Vkc) for the best clustering temp = self.calculateV((df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr, df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('cluster').values, self.zScoreCutoff, True, self.removeLowQualityScores)) df_V = temp[0].unstack() = None df_Z_best = temp[1] dict_expressed_markers = {cluster:df_Z_best.index[df_Z_best[cluster] > 0].values for cluster in df_Z_best} np.random.seed(0) df_markers_expr_copy = df_markers_expr.copy() uclusters = np.unique(df_markers_expr_copy.columns.get_level_values(2).astype(str)) uindex = pd.Series(df_markers_expr_copy.columns.get_level_values(2).astype(str)).replace(dict(zip(uclusters, range(len(uclusters))))).values df_markers_expr_copy.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_markers_expr_copy.columns.get_level_values(0), df_markers_expr_copy.columns.get_level_values(1), uindex], names=df_markers_expr_copy.columns.names) batch_size = self.availableCPUsCount * 80 if self.nSamples_pDCS < batch_size: self.nSamples_pDCS = batch_size if self.verbose >= 2: print('Distribution size too small. Increasing it to minimum batch size: %s' % (self.nSamples_pDCS)) N_batches = int(self.nSamples_pDCS / batch_size) if self.nSamples_pDCS != batch_size * N_batches: self.nSamples_pDCS = batch_size * N_batches if self.verbose >= 2: print('Adjusting distribution size: %s' % (self.nSamples_pDCS)) # Generate random cluster index randomClusterIndex = np.vstack([np.random.choice(df_markers_expr_copy.columns.get_level_values('cluster'), size=df_markers_expr_copy.shape[1], replace=False) for i in range(self.nSamples_pDCS)]).astype(int) # Generate random cluster configurations and calculate scores (Pkc) of those if self.verbose >= 2: print('Generating null distribution') def process_batch(batch_range): if self.verbose >= 2: print('\t', batch_range) tuples = [(df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr_copy, randomClusterIndex[i], self.zScoreCutoff, False, False) for i in batch_range] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = self.availableCPUsCount) temp_random_df_V = pd.concat(, tuples), sort=False, axis=1) pool.close() pool.join() return temp_random_df_V random_df_V = pd.concat([process_batch(range(i * batch_size,(i + 1) * batch_size)) for i in range(N_batches)], sort=False, axis=1) random_df_V.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([random_df_V.index.get_level_values(0), pd.Series(random_df_V.index.get_level_values(1)).replace(dict(zip(range(len(uclusters)), uclusters))).values], names=[random_df_V.index.names[0], 'cluster']) random_df_V = random_df_V.replace(0., np.nan) min_value = np.nanmin(random_df_V.values) max_value = np.nanmax(random_df_V.values) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Min:', min_value, '\t', 'Max:', max_value) Nbins = 300 # Calculate null distribution histograms data for plots df_null_distributions = random_df_V.apply(lambda s: scipy.stats.rv_histogram(np.histogram(s, bins=Nbins, range=(min_value,max_value)))._hpdf / Nbins, axis=1).apply(pd.Series).T df_null_distributions.columns.names = ['CellType', 'Cluster'] df_null_distributions.index = [min_value] + (scipy.stats.rv_histogram(np.histogram(random_df_V.iloc[0], bins=Nbins, range=(min_value,max_value)))._hbins).tolist() # Calculate z-score (Lkc) for the best clustering if self.verbose >= 2: print('Processing voting results') sigma = pd.Series(data=np.nanstd(random_df_V.values, axis=1), index=random_df_V.index).replace(0., np.inf).unstack() mean = pd.Series(data=np.nanmean(random_df_V.values, axis=1), index=random_df_V.index).unstack() df_L = (df_V - mean) / sigma df_L[df_L < self.thresholdForUnknown_pDCS] = 0. df_L[df_V < 0.] = 0. return (df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr, df_L, df_V, dict_expressed_markers, df_null_distributions)
[docs] def annotateWith_ratio_Scheme(self, df_markers_expr, df_marker_cell_type): '''Produce cluster annotation results Parameters: df_markers_expr: pandas.DataFrame Data with marker genes by cells expression df_marker_cell_type: pandas.DataFrame Data with marker genes by cell types Returns: tuple Usage: Function should be called internally only ''' df_positive = df_marker_cell_type.copy() df_negative = df_marker_cell_type.copy() df_positive[df_marker_cell_type < .0] = 0. df_negative[df_marker_cell_type > .0] = 0. df_positive /= (df_positive > 0.).sum(axis=0).fillna(1.).replace(0., 1.).replace(0, 1.) df_negative /= (df_negative < 0.).sum(axis=0).fillna(1.).replace(0., 1.).replace(0, 1.) df_marker_cell_type = df_positive + df_negative if self.verbose >= 2: print(df_marker_cell_type.shape) # Align df_markers_expr and df_marker_cell_type df_markers_expr.sort_index(inplace=True, axis=0) df_marker_cell_type.sort_index(inplace=True, axis=1) # Calculate score (Vkc) for the best clustering temp = self.calculateV((df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr, df_markers_expr.columns.get_level_values('cluster').values, self.zScoreCutoff, True, self.removeLowQualityScores)) df_V = temp[0].unstack() = None df_Z_best = temp[1] dict_expressed_markers = {cluster:df_Z_best.index[df_Z_best[cluster] > 0].values for cluster in df_Z_best} df_marker_cell_type_full = self.readMarkerFile().T.loc[df_marker_cell_type.index] df_marker_cell_type_full[df_marker_cell_type_full < .0] = 0. df_marker_cell_type_full /= (df_marker_cell_type_full > 0.).sum(axis=0).fillna(1.).replace(0., 1.) df_L = df_V / df_marker_cell_type_full.sum(axis=1).values[:, None] df_L[df_L < self.thresholdForUnknown_ratio] = 0. df_L[df_V < 0.] = 0. return (df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr, df_L, df_V, dict_expressed_markers, None)
[docs] def annotateWith_Hopfield_Scheme(self, df_markers_expr, df_marker_cell_type): '''Produce cluster annotation results Parameters: df_markers_expr: pandas.DataFrame Markers expression DataFrame df_marker_cell_type: pandas.DataFrame Marker cell type DataFrame Returns: tuple Usage: Function should be called internally only ''' df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.T np.random.seed(0) # The scheme does not account for negative markers. # Therefore remove them df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] = 1. df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] = 0. # Keep markers that have +1 or -1 for at least one cell type df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.loc[np.abs(df_marker_cell_type).sum(axis=1) > 0] # Check and keep only cell types with at least a minium number of +1 markers df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type.columns[np.abs(df_marker_cell_type).sum(axis=0) > self.minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype]] if self.verbose >= 2: print(df_marker_cell_type.shape) # Remove unused markers df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.loc[np.abs(df_marker_cell_type).sum(axis=1) > 0] # Normalize marker/celltype matrix in both direction by counts. # Note that order of the following two lines is irrelevant df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] /= (df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] > 0).sum(axis=1).replace(0, 1.).values[:, None] df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] /= (df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] > 0).sum(axis=0).replace(0, 1.).values df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] /= (df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] < 0).sum(axis=1).replace(0, 1.).values[:, None] df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] /= (df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] < 0).sum(axis=0).replace(0, 1.).values if self.verbose >= 2: print(df_marker_cell_type.shape) # Order gene expression index in the same order as markers index df_markers_expr = df_markers_expr.loc[df_marker_cell_type.index] df_expr_cluster_centroids = df_markers_expr.groupby(level='cluster', axis=1, sort=False).mean() df_Z = df_expr_cluster_centroids.copy().apply(self.zScoreOfSeries, axis=1) df_sig = df_Z > self.zScoreCutoff dict_expressed_markers = {cluster:df_sig.index[df_sig[cluster] > 0].values for cluster in df_sig} if self.useUnderlyingNetwork: try: underlyingNetwork = self.getSubnetworkOfPCN(df_marker_cell_type.index.values, min_shared_first_targets=1) if self.verbose >= 3: print('Recording underlying network', flush=True) underlyingNetwork.to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_underlyingNetwork', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') underlyingNetwork = underlyingNetwork.values except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('Not using underlying network connection') underlyingNetwork = None else: underlyingNetwork = None if self.verbose >= 2: print('Generating Hopfield networks:', flush=True) listOfSeries = [] for i in range(self.nSamples_Hopfield): if i % / 10) == 0: if self.verbose >= 2: print('\n%s%%' % ( * i / self.nSamples_Hopfield)), end='\t', flush=True) # Run Hopfield network dynamics hop = self.propagateHopfield(sigma=df_sig.values * 2. - 1., xi=df_marker_cell_type.values, typesNames=df_marker_cell_type.columns.values, underlyingNetwork=underlyingNetwork, clustersNames=df_sig.columns.values, id = i, T = self.HopfieldTemperature, path = os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'HopfieldTrajectories'), recordTrajectories = False, verbose=self.verbose) # Determine top scores res = np.argmax(hop, axis=0) # Best votes that below threshold are set to Unknown res[np.where(np.max(hop, axis=0) < 10. ** -12)] = len(df_marker_cell_type.columns) listOfSeries.append(res) if self.verbose >= 2: print(flush=True) r = np.vstack(listOfSeries) df_L = pd.DataFrame(index=list(range(len(df_marker_cell_type.columns) + 1)), columns=df_sig.columns).fillna(0.) for i in range(len(df_sig.columns)): w = np.unique(r[:,i], return_counts=True) for j in range(len(w[0])): df_L.iloc[w[0][j], i] = w[1][j] / len(r) df_L[df_L < self.thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield] = 0. df_L.iloc[-1, :] = 0.9 * self.thresholdForUnknown_Hopfield # Best results are chosen as highest frequency cell type for each cluster se_celltypes = pd.Series(data = np.argmax(df_L.values, axis=0).astype(int).astype(str), index = df_sig.columns) # Define cell names dictionary celltypeNames = dict(zip(np.array(range(len(df_marker_cell_type.columns))).astype(int).astype(str), df_marker_cell_type.columns)) celltypeNames.update({str(len(celltypeNames)): self.nameForUnknown}) # Convert cell names from index to words se_celltypes = se_celltypes.replace(to_replace=celltypeNames) df_L.index = pd.Series(df_L.index.astype(str)).replace(to_replace=celltypeNames).values df_L.drop(self.nameForUnknown, axis=0, inplace=True) return (df_marker_cell_type.T, df_markers_expr, df_L, df_L.copy(), dict_expressed_markers)
[docs] def recordAnnotationResults(self, df_marker_cell_type, df_markers_expr, df_L, df_V, dict_expressed_markers, df_null_distributions = None): '''Record cell type annotation results to spreadsheets. Parameters: df_marker_cell_type: pandas.DataFrame Markers to cell types table df_markers_expr: pandas.DataFrame Markers expression in each cluster df_L: pandas.DataFrame Annotation scores along with other information df_V: pandas.DataFrame Annotation scores along with other information dict_expressed_markers: dictionary Dictionary of markers signigicantly expressed in each cluster df_null_distributions: pandas.DataFrame, Default None Table with null distributions Returns: None Usage: This function is intended to be used internally only ''' df_L = df_L.fillna(0.) # Determine cluster sizes se_cluster_sizes = df_markers_expr.groupby(level='cluster', sort=True, axis=1).count().iloc[0] cluster_sizes = se_cluster_sizes.values df_L = df_L[se_cluster_sizes.index] df_V = df_V[se_cluster_sizes.index] # Rename winning cell types T = df_L.index[np.argmax(df_L.values, axis=0)].values T[(df_L.values <= 0.).all(axis=0)] = self.nameForUnknown T = pd.Index(T) + ' #0' for i in range(len(T)): T = T.where(~T.duplicated(), T.str.replace(' #%s' % (i), ' #%s' % (i + 1))) predicted_celltype = T.values # Save score columns names columns_scores = df_V.index.values.copy().tolist() # Determine winning score winning_score = np.array([df_V.iloc[ind[0], ind[1]] for ind in np.flip(np.array(list(enumerate(np.argmax(df_L.values, axis=0)))), axis=1)]) # Update the DataFrames df_V.loc['Winning score'] = df_L.loc['Winning score'] = winning_score df_V.loc['Predicted cell type'] = df_L.loc['Predicted cell type'] = predicted_celltype df_V.loc['# cells in cluster'] = df_L.loc['# cells in cluster'] = cluster_sizes # Determine all markers hits for each cluster df_custer_centroids = df_markers_expr.groupby(level='cluster', sort=True, axis=1).mean() all_markers_in_cluster = [(' // ').join(dict_expressed_markers[cluster].tolist()) for cluster in df_V.columns] df_V.loc['All markers'] = df_L.loc['All markers'] = all_markers_in_cluster all_supp_markers = {celltype:df_marker_cell_type.T.index[df_marker_cell_type.T[celltype] > 0].values for celltype in columns_scores} all_cont_markers = {celltype:df_marker_cell_type.T.index[df_marker_cell_type.T[celltype] < 0].values for celltype in columns_scores} all_supp_markers[self.nameForUnknown] = np.array([]) all_cont_markers[self.nameForUnknown] = np.array([]) supporting_markers = [(' // ').join((np.intersect1d(all_supp_markers[df_V.loc['Predicted cell type'].loc[cluster].split(' #')[0]], df_V.loc['All markers'].loc[cluster].split(' // '))).tolist()) for cluster in df_V.columns] contradicting_markers = [(' // ').join((np.intersect1d(all_cont_markers[df_V.loc['Predicted cell type'].loc[cluster].split(' #')[0]], df_V.loc['All markers'].loc[cluster].split(' // '))).tolist()) for cluster in df_V.columns] df_V.loc['Supporting markers'] = df_L.loc['Supporting markers'] = supporting_markers df_V.loc['Contradicting markers'] = df_L.loc['Contradicting markers'] = contradicting_markers # Record the results to spreadsheets fileName = os.path.join(self.saveDir, self.dataName + '_annotation.xlsx') if self.verbose >= 2: print('Recording voting results to:', fileName) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName) = 'cluster' df_L.T.to_excel(writer, 'z-scores', columns=['Predicted cell type', '# cells in cluster', 'Winning score', 'Supporting markers', 'Contradicting markers', 'All markers'] + columns_scores) = 'cluster' df_V.T.to_excel(writer, 'Voting scores', columns=['Predicted cell type', '# cells in cluster', 'Winning score', 'Supporting markers', 'Contradicting markers', 'All markers'] + columns_scores) df_custer_centroids.T.to_excel(writer, 'Cluster centroids') if not df_null_distributions is None: df_null_distributions.to_excel(writer, 'Null distributions') df_marker_cell_type.to_excel(writer, 'Marker cell type weight matrix') return df_V.loc['Predicted cell type'].to_dict()
[docs] def propagateHopfield(cls, sigma = None, xi = None, T = 0.2, tmax = 200, fractionToUpdate = 0.5, mode = 4, meshSamplingRate = 200, underlyingNetwork = None, typesNames = None, clustersNames = None, printInfo = False, recordTrajectories = True, id = None, printSwitchingFraction = False, path = None, verbose = 0): '''Function is used internally to propagate Hopfield network over a set number of time steps Parameters: sigma: pandas.DataFrame, Default None Markers expression xi: pandas.DataFrame, Default None Marker cell type DataFrame T: float, Default 0.2 Noise (Temperature) parameter tmax: int, Default 200 Number of step to iterate through fractionToUpdate: float, Default 0.5 Fraction of nodes to randomly update at each iteration mode: int, Default 4 Options are: 1: non-onthogonalized, non-weighted attractors 2: onthogonalized, non-weighted attractors 3: onthogonalized, weighted attractors 4: onthogonalized, weighted attractors, asymetric and diluted dynamics meshSamplingRate: int, Default 100 Visualization parameter to control the quality of the color mesh near the attractors underlyingNetwork: 2d numpy.array, Default None Network of underlying connections between genes typesNames: list-like, Default None Names of cell types clustersNames: list-like, Default None Names or identifiers of the clusters printInfo: boolean, Default False Whether to print detailes recordTrajectories: boolean, Default True Whether to record trajectories data to files id: int, Default None Identifier of this function call printSwitchingFraction: boolean, Default False Whether to print fraction of clusters that switch theie maximum overlapping attractor path: str, Default None Path for saving trajectories data Returns: 2d numpy.array Overlaps Usage: result = propagateHopfield(sigma=sigma, xi=df_attrs) ''' if xi is None: if verbose >= 3: print('xi is None') return if not path is None: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if mode==1 or mode==2: xi[xi > 0.] = 1. xi[xi <= 0.] = -1. if printInfo: if verbose >= 3: print('Unique nodes across Hopfield network:', len(np.unique(xi, axis=0))) if mode == 1: A = xi.T J = (xi).dot(A) / (xi.shape[0]) # m,m else: Q = (xi.T).dot(xi) # n,n try: Q_inv = np.linalg.inv(Q) # n,n except Exception as exception: if verbose >= 3: print(exception) print('Cannot invert matrix Q') return A = (Q_inv).dot(xi.T) # n,m <-- xi_inv J = (xi).dot(A) # m,m if not underlyingNetwork is None: if J.shape == underlyingNetwork.shape: if verbose >= 3: print('Using network of underlying interactions') J *= underlyingNetwork else: if verbose >= 3: print('Network of underlying interactions shape is inconsistent with J. Ignoring it') getHopfieldEnergy = lambda s: -0.5 * s[None, :].dot(J).dot(s) if recordTrajectories: pca = PCA(n_components=None).fit(A) attrs = pca.transform(A) variance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ if id == 0 or id is None: if xi.shape[1] == 2: dim = 2 lim = 15 g = np.linspace(-lim, lim, num=100) mesh_coords = np.meshgrid(*tuple([g]*dim)) mesh_coords = np.vstack([g.flatten() for g in mesh_coords]).T mesh = np.zeros((mesh_coords.shape[0], xi.shape[1])) mesh[:, :len(mesh_coords.T)] = mesh_coords mesh_sigma = pca.inverse_transform(mesh) if False: mesh_sigma[mesh_sigma > 0.] = 1. mesh_sigma[mesh_sigma <= 0.] = -1. digital_mesh = pca.transform(mesh_sigma) mesh_coords = digital_mesh mesh_energy = np.array([getHopfieldEnergy(s) for s in mesh_sigma]) write(np.hstack([mesh_coords[:,:2], mesh_energy]), os.path.join(path, 'mesh')) else: if verbose >= 4: print('Generating samples in the vicinity of attractors') temp = [] for i in range(xi.shape[1]): for j in range(25): st = A[i] temp.append(np.array([st * ((np.random.rand(st.shape[0]) > 0.025*j) * 2. - 1.) for i in range(meshSamplingRate)])) mesh_sigma = np.vstack(temp) if verbose >= 4: print('Calculating energy of the samples') if False: mesh_energy = np.array([getHopfieldEnergy(s) for s in mesh_sigma]) else: if verbose >= 4: print('Calculating chunks') def func(mesh_sigma): return -0.5 * ((J).dot(mesh_sigma.T) * mesh_sigma.T).sum(axis=0)[:,None] mesh_energy = np.vstack([func(item) for item in np.split(mesh_sigma, meshSamplingRate)]) if verbose >= 4: print('\nProjecting samples on PCs') mesh_coords = pca.transform(mesh_sigma) if verbose >= 4: print('Recording mesh data') write(np.hstack([mesh_coords, mesh_energy]), os.path.join(path, 'mesh')) if recordTrajectories: write((np.vstack([attrs, variance]), typesNames), os.path.join(path, 'attrs')) if sigma is None: if verbose >= 4: print('Sigma is None') return if recordTrajectories: trajectories = np.zeros((tmax, sigma.shape[1], xi.shape[1])) initial = np.argmax((A).dot(sigma), axis=0) initial[np.where(np.max((A).dot(sigma), axis=0) < 10. ** -12)] = -1 if printInfo: sIn = sigma.copy() for t in range(tmax): h = (J).dot(sigma) if recordTrajectories: if id == 0 or id is None: trajectories[t,:,:] = np.hstack([pca.transform(sigma.T)]) sigmaNew = ((1. / (1. + np.exp(-2. * h / T))) > np.random.rand(*sigma.shape)) * 2. - 1. # Make dynamics asymmetric and diluted: Deactivate nodes that are being turned off if mode == 4: sigmaNew[(sigmaNew - sigma) < -1.] = 0. f = 1. if t >= 100 else max(0.05, float(t) / 100.) whereToUpdate = (np.random.rand(*sigma.shape) <= f * fractionToUpdate) sigma[whereToUpdate] = sigmaNew[whereToUpdate] * np.abs(sigma[whereToUpdate]) if printInfo: print('In positive:', ((sIn>0)*1.).sum(axis=0)) print('Out positive:', ((sigma>0)*1.).sum(axis=0)) print('Positive common in-out:', (((sIn>0.)*(sigma>0.))*1.).sum(axis=0)) final = np.argmax((A).dot(sigma), axis=0) final[np.where(np.max((A).dot(sigma), axis=0) < 10. ** -12)] = -1 if printSwitchingFraction: print(np.round(100. * (final != initial).sum() / (len(initial)), 2).astype(int), end=' ', flush=True) if recordTrajectories: if id == 0 or id is None: write(trajectories, os.path.join(path, 'trajectories%s')%(id)) write((initial, final, typesNames, clustersNames), os.path.join(path, 'additional')) overlap = (A).dot(sigma) overlap[overlap <= 0.] = 0. return overlap
# Other functions of class #########################################################
[docs] @classmethod def convertColormap(cls, colormap): '''Convert colormap from the form (1.,1.,1.,1.) to 'rgba(255,255,255,1.)' Parameters: colormap: dictionary Colormap to convert Returns: dictionary Converted colomap Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() colormap = DCS.convertColormap(colormap) ''' return {k:'rgba' + str(tuple(list((np.array(v[:3]) * 255).astype(int)) + [v[3]])) for k, v in colormap.items()}
[docs] @classmethod def zScoreOfSeries(cls, se): '''Calculate z-score of pandas.Series and modify the Series in place Parameters: se: pandas.Series Series to process Returns: pandas.Series Processed series Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() se = DCS.zScoreOfSeries(se) ''' se.iloc[:] = scipy.stats.zscore(se.values) return se
[docs] @classmethod def KeyInFile(cls, key, file): '''Check is a key exists in a HDF file. Parameters: key: str Key name to check file: str HDF file name to check Returns: boolean True if the key is found False otherwise Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.KeyInFile('df_expr', 'data/file.h5') ''' if not os.path.isfile(file): return False with pd.HDFStore(file) as file: return True if "/" + key.strip("/") in file.keys() else False return
[docs] def getSubnetworkOfPCN(self, subnetworkGenes, min_shared_first_targets = 30): '''Extract subnetwork of PCN network Parameters: subnetworkGenes: list-like Set of genes that the subnetwork should contain min_shared_first_targets: int, Default 30 Number of minimum first shared targets to connect two nodes Returns: pandas.DataFrame Adjacency matrix Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df_subnetwork = DCS.getSubnetworkOfPCN(genes) ''' if self.verbose >= 2: print('\nReading PCN (directed, unweighted) network from file') PCN = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data', 'PCN_%s.txt.gz' % (self.species)), compression='gzip', header=0, index_col=[0], delimiter='\t')['Target'] PCN.index = self.gnc.Convert(PCN.index.tolist(), 'alias', 'hugo', returnUnknownString=False) PCN[:] = self.gnc.Convert(PCN.values.tolist(), 'alias', 'hugo', returnUnknownString=False) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Calculating targets of PCN network genes') targets = PCN.groupby(level=0).agg('unique').apply(set).to_dict() del PCN index = pd.Index(set(subnetworkGenes).intersection(set(targets.keys()))).sort_values() if self.verbose >= 2: print('Number of PCN genes: %s'%(len(index))) print('Calculating number of common targets for %s genes'%(len(index))) data = np.zeros((len(index), len(index))).astype(int) for iA in range(len(index)): geneA = index[iA] for iB in range(iA, len(index)): geneB = index[iB] direct = 1 if (geneB in targets[geneA]) else 0 data[iA,iB] = data[iB,iA] = len(targets[geneA].intersection(targets[geneB])) + direct targetsOverlaps = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=index, data=data) subnetwork = 1.*(targetsOverlaps >= min_shared_first_targets) if self.verbose >= 2: print(subnetwork.shape) subnetwork = subnetwork.reindex(subnetworkGenes, axis=0).reindex(subnetworkGenes, axis=1).fillna(0.) if self.verbose >= 2: print(subnetwork.shape) con = subnetwork.sum().sum() tot = (len(subnetwork)-1)*len(subnetwork) if self.verbose >= 2: print('\nConnections in subnetwork: %s, out of %s possible (%s%%)\n'%(con, tot, np.round(100.*con/tot, 0))) return subnetwork
[docs] def alignSeries(self, se1, se2, tagForMissing): '''Align two pandas.Series Parameters: se1: pandas.Series Series with the first set of items se2: pandas.Series Series with the second set of items tagForMissing: str, Default 'Missing' Label to assign to non-overlapping items Returns: pandas.DataFrame Contains two aligned pandas.Series Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df = DCS.alignSeries(pd.Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']).to_series(), pd.Index(['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']).to_series()) ''' = 'index' = 'index' append = lambda se1, se2: pd.concat([se1, pd.Series(index=se2.index.difference(se1.index), data=[tagForMissing] * len(se2.index.difference(se1.index)))], axis=0, sort=False) se1 = append(se1, se2) se2 = append(se2, se1) = 'se1' = 'se2' return pd.concat((se1, se2.loc[se1.index]), axis=1, sort=True)
[docs] def createReverseDictionary(self, inputDictionary): '''Efficient way to create a reverse dictionary from a dictionary. Utilizes Pandas.Dataframe.groupby and Numpy arrays indexing. Parameters: inputDictionary: dictionary Dictionary to reverse Returns: dictionary Reversed dictionary Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() revDict = DCS.createReverseDictionary(Dict) ''' keys, values = np.array(list(inputDictionary.keys())), np.array(list(inputDictionary.values())) df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[keys[i], value] for i in range(len(keys)) for value in values[i]])) dfGrouped = df.groupby(df.columns[1]) keys, values = list(dfGrouped.indices.keys()), list(dfGrouped.indices.values()) GOs = df.values.T[0] return dict(zip(keys, [GOs[value].tolist() for value in values]))
[docs] def readMarkerFile(self, mergeFunction = 'mean', mergeCutoff = 0.25): '''Read markers file, prepare markers Parameters: mergeCutoff: str, Default 'mean' Function used for grouping of the cell sub-types. Options are: 'mean': average of the values 'max': maxium of the values, effectively a logiacal OR function mergeCutoff: float, Default 0.25 Values below cutoff are set to zero. This option is used if mergeCutoff is 'mean' Returns: pandas.DataFrame Celltype/markers matrix Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df_marker_cell_type = DCS.readMarkerFile() ''' df_marker_cell_type = pd.read_excel(self.geneListFileName, index_col=0, header=[0,1]).replace(np.nan, 0.).replace(0, 0.) df_marker_cell_type.columns.names = ['CellTypeGrouped', 'CellType'] df_marker_cell_type.index = self.gnc.Convert(list(df_marker_cell_type.index), 'alias', 'hugo', returnUnknownString=False) df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.drop(columns=[col for col in df_marker_cell_type.columns if col[0] == 'NA']) df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.groupby(level='CellTypeGrouped', axis=1).agg(mergeFunction).fillna(0.) where_positive = df_marker_cell_type >= mergeCutoff where_negative = df_marker_cell_type <= -mergeCutoff df_marker_cell_type *= 0. df_marker_cell_type[where_positive] = 1. df_marker_cell_type[where_negative] = -1. df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.loc[np.abs(df_marker_cell_type).sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.verbose >= 2: print('Markers/celltypes:', df_marker_cell_type.shape, flush=True) # Merge duplicates that might have appeared after gene name conversion df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.groupby(level=0, axis=0).sum() df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type > 0.] = 1. df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] = -1. def norm(s_input): s = s_input.copy() pos_sum = np.abs(s.iloc[np.where(s > 0.)].sum()) neg_sum = np.abs(s.iloc[np.where(s < 0.)].sum()) s.iloc[np.where(s > 0.)] /= pos_sum if pos_sum > 0. else 1. s.iloc[np.where(s < 0.)] /= neg_sum if neg_sum > 0. else 1. return s df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.apply(norm, axis=0) if self.verbose >= 1: print('Markers/celltypes:', df_marker_cell_type.shape, flush=True) df_marker_cell_type.columns = df_marker_cell_type.columns.str.strip() if not self.useNegativeMarkers: df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type < 0.] = 0. df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.loc[np.abs(df_marker_cell_type).sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.verbose >= 2: print('Removed negative markers. Markers/celltypes:', df_marker_cell_type.shape, flush=True) return df_marker_cell_type
[docs] def mergeIndexDuplicates(cls, df_expr, method = 'average', printDuplicates = False, verbose = 1): '''Merge index duplicates Parameters: df_expr: pandas.DataFrame Gene expression table method: str, Default None How to deal with index duplicates. Option are: 'average': average values of duplicates 'first': keep only first of duplicates, discard rest Returns: pandas.DataFrame Gene expression table Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() df_expr = DCS.mergeIndexDuplicates(df_expr) ''' # Check is any names in the index are duplicated, remove duplicates len_total, len_unique = len(df_expr.index), len(np.unique(df_expr.index)) if len_total != len_unique: unique_items = np.unique(df_expr.index, return_counts=True) if method == 'average': df_expr = df_expr.groupby(level=0, axis=0).sum() elif method == 'first': df_expr = df_expr.loc[~df_expr.index.duplicated(keep='first')] else: if verbose >= 1: print('Unknown method') return df_expr if verbose >= 1: print('Merged %s duplicated items in the index of size %s' % (len_total - len_unique, len_total), flush=True) if printDuplicates: print(unique_items[0][unique_items[1] > 1], flush=True) return df_expr
[docs] def recordExpressionData(self): '''Record expression data from the internal HDF storage. Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.recordExpressionData() ''' if self.verbose >= 1: print('Recording compressed DataFrame', flush=True) self._df_expr.replace(0, np.nan).T.stack().to_frame().to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_expr', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return
[docs] def loadAnnotatedLabels(self, detailed = False, includeLowQC = True, infoType = 'label'): '''Load cell annotations resulted from function 'annotate' Parameters: detailed: boolean, Default False Whether to give cluster- or celltype- resolution data includeLowQC: boolean, Default False Whether to include low quality cells in the output Returns: pandas.Series Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.loadAnnotatedLabels() ''' if self.KeyInFile('df_markers_expr', self.fileHDFpath): try: se = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_markers_expr').T.reset_index().set_index(['batch', 'cell'])['label'] except Exception as exception: if self.verbose >= 1: print(exception) print('Error reading annotation results', flush=True) return if not detailed: se = se.str.split(' #', expand=True)[0] else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Annotation results not found', flush=True) return if includeLowQC: if self.KeyInFile('df_projection_pre_QC', self.fileHDFpath): allCells = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection_pre_QC').columns allBathes = allCells.get_level_values('batch') elif self.KeyInFile('df_projection', self.fileHDFpath): allCells = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection').columns allBathes = allCells.get_level_values('batch') else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Labelled data not found', flush=True) return if infoType=='label': se = se.reindex(allCells, fill_value=self.nameForLowQC) elif infoType=='batch': se_low = pd.Series(data=allBathes, index=allCells) se.iloc[:] = se.index.get_level_values('batch').values se = pd.concat([se, se_low.loc[se_low.index.difference(se.index)]]) return se
[docs] def loadExpressionData(self): '''Load processed expression data from the internal HDF storage. Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.loadExpressionData() ''' if self.KeyInFile('df_expr', self.fileHDFpath): if self.verbose >= 2: print('Loading processed data', flush=True) self._df_expr = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_expr').unstack(level=-1, fill_value=0.).T self._df_expr.index = self._df_expr.index.get_level_values(-1) self._df_expr.sort_index(inplace=True) else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Processed data not found') return
[docs] def prepareMarkers(self, expressedGenes = None, createColormapForCelltypes = True): '''Get dictionary of markers for each cell types. Parameters: expressedGenes: pandas.Index, Default None If not None then the marker DataFrame will be intersected with this index, i.e. all non-expressed genes will be filtered from the marker file createColormapForCelltypes: boolean, Default True Create (or update) a colormap for cell types based on a marker-celltype matrix. This will make coloring of cell clusters consistent across all plots. Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.prepareMarkers() ''' df_marker_cell_type = self.readMarkerFile() # Remove non-expressed markers if not expressedGenes is None: df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type.loc[df_marker_cell_type.index.intersection(expressedGenes)] if self.verbose >= 2: print('Removed non-expressed genes. Markers/celltypes shape:', df_marker_cell_type.shape, flush=True) # Remove underepresented cell types df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type[df_marker_cell_type.columns[(df_marker_cell_type > 0.).sum(axis=0) >= self.minimumNumberOfMarkersPerCelltype]] df_marker_cell_type = df_marker_cell_type[(df_marker_cell_type != 0).sum(axis=1) >= 1] = 'Marker' df_marker_cell_type.to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_marker_cell_type', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') # Create (or update) a colormap for cell types if createColormapForCelltypes: with open(os.path.join(self.saveDir, 'ColormapForCellTypes.txt'), 'w') as tempMapFile: df_marker_cell_type = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_marker_cell_type') cellTypes = np.sort(df_marker_cell_type.columns.values.tolist()) for cellTypeIndex in range(len(cellTypes)): tempMapFile.write(cellTypes[cellTypeIndex] + '\t' + str(cm.jet(cellTypeIndex / len(cellTypes))) + '\n') tempMapFile.write(self.nameForUnknown + '\t' + str(cm.jet(1.0)) + '\n') return
[docs] def calculateQCmeasures(self): '''Calculate Quality Control (QC) measures Parameters: None Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.calculateQCmeasures() ''' if self.mitochondrialGenes is None: if self.species == 'Human': mitoGenesPath = os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, 'Human.MitoCarta2.0.csv') elif self.species == 'Mouse': mitoGenesPath = os.path.join(self.defaultGeneListsDir, 'Mouse.MitoCarta2.0.csv') else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Mitochondrial genes for scpecies %s not found' % (self.species)) print('Implemented lists are for Human and Mouse') raise NotImplementedError self.mitochondrialGenes = pd.read_csv(mitoGenesPath, index_col=None, header=0)['Symbol'].values.squeeze().tolist() if self.verbose >= 2: print('Calculating quality control measures (count depth, number of genes, fraction of mitochondrial genes) for each cell', flush=True) df_QC = pd.concat([(self._df_expr).sum(axis=0), (self._df_expr > 0).sum(axis=0), (self._df_expr.loc[self._df_expr.index.intersection(self.mitochondrialGenes)] > 0).sum(axis=0) / \ (self._df_expr > 0).sum(axis=0)], axis=1, sort=False) df_QC.columns = ['count_depth', 'number_of_genes', 'fraction_of_mitochondrialGenes'] df_QC.to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='QC', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return
[docs] def qualityControl(self, **kwargs): '''Remove low quality cells Parameters: None Returns: Any parameters that function 'getIndexOfGoodQualityCells' can accept Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.qualityControl() ''' index = self.getIndexOfGoodQualityCells(**kwargs) if self.toggleRemoveLowQualityCells: self._df_expr = self._df_expr[self._df_expr.columns.intersection(index).sort_values()] self._df_expr = self._df_expr[self._df_expr.sum(axis=1) > 0] if self.verbose >= 1: print('Removed low quality cells. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % self._df_expr.shape, flush=True) df_projection = pd.read_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection_pre_QC') df_projection[self._df_expr.columns].to_hdf(self.fileHDFpath, key='df_projection', mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') self.project(PCAonly=True) return
[docs] def batchEffectCorrection(self, method = 'COMBAT'): '''Batch effect correction. Parameters: method: str, Default 'COMBAT' Stein, C.K., Qu, P., Epstein, J. et al. Removing batch effects from purified plasma cell gene expression microarrays with modified ComBat. BMC Bioinformatics 16, 63 (2015) Returns: None Usage: DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter() DCS.batchEffectCorrection() ''' if method == 'COMBAT': cells = self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('cell').values.copy() patients = self._df_expr.columns.get_level_values('batch').values.copy() if len(np.unique(patients)) == 1: if self.verbose >= 2: print('Only one batch provided. Batch correction is not necessary', flush=True) else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('ComBat transformation', flush=True) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Reading positions of zeros', flush=True) where_zeros = self._df_expr == 0. values = combat(pd.DataFrame(data=self._df_expr.values.copy(), index=self._df_expr.index.values.copy(), columns=range(len(cells))), pd.Series(data=patients, index=range(len(cells)))).values self._df_expr = pd.DataFrame(data=values, index=self._df_expr.index, columns=self._df_expr.columns) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Setting original zeros back to zeros', flush=True) self._df_expr[where_zeros] = 0. if self.verbose >= 2: print('Setting negative values to zeros', flush=True) self._df_expr[self._df_expr < 0.0] = 0. else: if self.verbose >= 1: print('Batch effect correction method unknown') return