Source code for DigitalCellSorter.ReadPrepareDataHCA

import os
import copy
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy import io
import urllib.request

from .GenericFunctions import write, read, extractFromZipOfGz

[docs]def getHCAdataByURL(url, extractPath, extractData = True): '''Download and extract data from Human Cell Atlas Portal Parameters: url: str URL of the data of interest extractPath: str Path where to save and extract data to extractData: boolean, Default True Whether to extract downloaded data Returns: None Usage: getHCAdataByURL(url, extractPath) ''' # Create directories for extract path if not os.path.exists(extractPath): print('Creating directories:\n', extractPath) os.makedirs(extractPath) else: print('Extraction directory already exists. To re-extract files remove the directory:\n', extractPath) return # Download the *.gz file if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(extractPath), os.path.basename(url))): print('Downloading file:', url) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(extractPath), os.path.basename(url))) if extractData: # Extract file to extract path extractFromZipOfGz(extractPath + '.zip', removeDownloadedZipFile=True) for tempName in ['cells', 'genes', 'barcodes']: write(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(extractPath, tempName + '.tsv'), delimiter='\t', index_col=0, header=0), os.path.join(extractPath, tempName)) return
[docs]def recordFilesOfIndividualDonors(extractPath, organName=None, donorIDcolumn='donor_organism.provenance.document_id', organColumn='derived_organ_parts_label', useHogoGeneNames=True): '''Record h5 files of HCA individual donors in a dataset Parameters: extractPath: str Path of directories where HCA matrix files were downloaded and extracted. See function getHCAdataByURL() for detail. organName: str, Default None Name of the organ name. E.g. 'pancreas', 'bone marrow', etc. donorIDcolumn: str, Default donor_organism.provenance.document_id Column with unique IDs of donors in the file. Another option is 'specimen_from_organism.provenance.document_id' IDs at samples level is needed. organColumn: str, Default 'derived_organ_parts_label' 'derived_organ_label' 'derived_organ_parts_label' This option is ignored when organName parameter is None. useHogoGeneNames: boolean, Default True Whether to use HUGO gene names. Returns: list List of donor IDs Usage: recordFilesOfIndividualDonors(extractPath, organName='retina') ''' print('extractPath:', extractPath) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(extractPath, 'cells' + '.pklz')): print('Data files not found. Download and prepare them by calling function getHCAdataByURL()') return cells = read(os.path.join(extractPath, 'cells')) if organName is None: subsetOfCells = cells else: subsetOfCells = cells.iloc[np.where(cells[organColumn]==organName)[0]] donorIDs = np.unique(subsetOfCells[donorIDcolumn].values).tolist() dataSparseMatrix = None for donorID in donorIDs: print('Donor:', donorID) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(extractPath, 'dfDonorID %s'%(donorID) + '.h5')): if dataSparseMatrix is None: print('Reading data from *.mtx file') dataSparseMatrix = io.mmread(os.path.join(extractPath, 'matrix.mtx')).tocsr() # Identifiers of cells of single Bone Marrow donor if organName is None: idxDonorID = np.where(cells[donorIDcolumn]==donorID)[0] else: idxDonorID = np.where((cells[organColumn]==organName) & (cells[donorIDcolumn]==donorID))[0] # Ensembl to HUGO conversion genes = read(os.path.join(extractPath, 'genes'))['featurename'] # Read all data and keep only selected cells dfDonorID = pd.DataFrame(data=dataSparseMatrix[:,idxDonorID].todense(), index=genes.index if not useHogoGeneNames else genes.values, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[donorID]*len(idxDonorID), cells.index[idxDonorID].values])) print(dfDonorID.shape) # Merge duplicates that might have appeared after gene name conversion dfDonorID = dfDonorID.groupby(level=0, axis=0).sum() print(dfDonorID.shape) # Drop all-zero genes dfDonorID = dfDonorID.loc[dfDonorID.sum(axis=1)>0.] # Write data of single Bone Marrow donor print('Recording data of %s'%(donorID), dfDonorID.shape) dfDonorID.to_hdf(os.path.join(extractPath, 'dfDonorID %s'%(donorID) + '.h5'), key=donorID, mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') return donorIDs
[docs]def getDataframeByDonorID(extractPath, donorID): '''Get pandas.DataFrame by Donor ID Parameters: extractPath: str Path of directories where HCA matrix files were downloaded and extracted. See function getHCAdataByURL() for detail. donorID: str Donor ID. Returns: pandas.DataFrame Matrix corresponding to the Donor ID Usage: getDataframeByDonorID(extractPath, donorID) ''' fileName = 'dfDonorID %s'%(donorID) + '.h5' fullFileName = os.path.join(extractPath, fileName) if os.path.isfile(fullFileName): print('Reading compressed DataFrame at:', fullFileName) dfDonorID = pd.read_hdf(fullFileName, key=donorID, mode='r') else: print('File %s not found'%(fullFileName)) return return dfDonorID
[docs]def PrepareDataOnePatient_PREVIEW_DATASET(filename, patient, saveFolderName, useAllData=True, cellsLimitToUse=1000, randomlySample=True, randomSeed=0): '''Prepare data from Human Cell Atlas (HCA) preview dataset h5 data file. The user can download the file ica_bone_marrow_h5.h5 from (Raw Counts Matrix - Bone Marrow) and place in folder data. The file is ~485Mb and contains all 378000 cells from 8 bone marrow donors (BM1-BM8). Note: this data file is no longer available at HCA data server, however, some users may have a copy of it and need to extract data from it. Parameters: filename: str Path and name of the file to store binary data in patient: str Identifier of the patient: 'BM1', 'BM2', 'BM3', 'BM4', 'BM5', 'BM6', 'BM7' or 'BM8' saveFolderName: str Path where to save prepared data file useAllData: boolean, Default True Whether to use all data or a subset cellsLimitToUse: int, Default 1000 Number of cells to use if useAllData=False randomlySample: boolean, Default True Whether to sample cell randomly of pick top number randomSeed: int, Default 0 Random seed Returns: None Usage: PrepareDataOnePatient(os.path.join('data', 'ica_bone_marrow_h5.h5'), 'BM1', os.path.join('data', ''), useAllData=False, cellsLimitToUse=5000) ''' print('------ Reading values of %s --------------------------------------------'%(patient)) #Open and Prepare data file h5File = h5py.File(filename, 'r') barcodes = np.array(list(map(lambda s: s.decode('UTF-8'), copy.deepcopy(h5File['GRCh38/barcodes'][()])))) gene_names = np.array(list(map(lambda s: s.decode('UTF-8'), copy.deepcopy(h5File['GRCh38/gene_names'][()])))) indptr = copy.deepcopy(h5File['GRCh38/indptr'][()]) patients = np.array([cell[6:9] for cell in barcodes]) patient_cells = np.where(patients==patient)[0] if not useAllData: np.random.seed(randomSeed) patient_cells = np.random.choice(patient_cells, replace=False, size=cellsLimitToUse) if randomlySample else patient_cells[:cellsLimitToUse] columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([patients[patient_cells], barcodes[patient_cells]], names=['batch', 'cell']) df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(gene_names), len(patient_cells))), index=gene_names, columns=columns) print('Combining cells into DataFrame. Data size: %s genes, %s cells' % df.shape) for cell, index in enumerate(patient_cells): df.iloc[copy.deepcopy(h5File['GRCh38/indices'][indptr[index]:indptr[index + 1]]), cell] = copy.deepcopy(h5File['GRCh38/data'][indptr[index]:indptr[index + 1]]) print('Compressing %s to Pandas HDF'%(patient)) df.to_hdf(os.path.join(saveFolderName, '%s.h5'%(patient)), key=patient, mode='a', complevel=4, complib='zlib') print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') return None
[docs]def prepareDemo5kData(dir): # targetFile = os.path.join(dir, 'manual_5k_pbmc_NGSC3_ch1.gz') if not os.path.isfile(targetFile): try: df_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir, 'matrix.mtx'), delimiter=' ', index_col=[0,1], header=None, skiprows=[0,1,2])[2] = 'count' df_data = df_data.unstack(fill_value=0).astype(int) genes = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir, 'features.tsv'), delimiter='\t', index_col=None, header=None)[1] genes.index = genes.index + 1 df_data.index = pd.Index(genes.loc[df_data.index].values, name='gene') df_data.columns = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir, 'barcodes.tsv'), delimiter='\t', index_col=0, header=None).index df_data.columns.names = ['cell'] df_data = df_data.groupby(axis=0, level=0).sum() df_data.to_pickle(targetFile, protocol=4) except Exception as exception: print(exception) else: df_data = pd.read_pickle(targetFile) print(df_data) return df_data